1: Age 5

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"I'll be back as soon as I can, thank you so much for doing this on such short notice."

"Of course Joy! If you ever need someone don't hesitate to call me, I'll always be right next door." The woman stranger said, sending Calum a friendly smile.

"Mummy I don't wanna stay." Calum snuffled, tears starting to well up in his eyes as one of his small hands grabbed at his mothers pant leg and the other gripped his spiderman lunchbox. He didn't really know what was happening but all he knew was that Joy was leaving and she wasn't taking him with her.

Joy shot Karen an apologetic smile before bending down to Calum's height. "Oh honey," She started using her thumb to wipe away the small boys tears. "Mrs. Clifford is going to watch you for a little while since mummy got called in to work. Now go and have some fun and it'll feel like I never left, think you can do that for me?"

"Oh please, call me Karen." Karen said.

Calum sniffed and hesitated before nodding, bottom lip jutting out. He quickly glanced at the Mrs. Clifford Karen lady before throwing his arms around Joy's neck, "I love you mummy."

Joy kissed Calum's forehead and ruffled his hair up before straightening up, "I love you too. Be good for me and for Karen, I'll be back soon."

Joy said a small goodbye to Karen before quickly leaving.

Karen looked down to the timid little boy who still had his eyes on the door, "Hey Calum I see you like spiderman. My little boy has a million spiderman action figures, I bet he'd let you keep one."

Calum's eyes brightened and he turned to look at her, "Really?"

"Mummy!" A young voice hollered from somewheres in the house interrupting whatever Karen was going to say, "Fredrick doesn't want to put his shirt on!" Then little foot stomps were coming into the living room and there stood a little boy with green eyes and all over the place blond hair. He had his arms wrapped around a struggling cat who was almost as big the boy.

 He had his arms wrapped around a struggling cat who was almost as big the boy

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"Michael, sweetheart, cats aren't meant to wear shirts. Now put him down."

The blond boy just huffed and let go of the cat dropping him to the floor ignoring Karen's scolding of 'gently Michael!', "Why?"

"Because Fredrick's a cat and doesn't need a shirt."


"Because they don't need shirts."

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"Because they have fur to keep them warm."


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