Chapter 2

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It was a similar morning from yesterday.

People, scattered into their professions , doing what they do best. While I sit quietly at the same boring ol' desk looking at the same boring ol' scenery. 

Waiting patiently for my break I occupied myself with some filing, all of a sudden a soft female voice presented herself on the speaker announcing,
"Tech workers please gather in the conference room for a mandatory assignation , thank you".

Puzzled, I watched my coworkers scuffle towards the conference room I decided to scurry along with the them.
Gently pushing through the crowd, I landed in the middle of it and stood quietly hearing distant whispers and coughs, all put to a quick end when a familiar spoke.

"Good morning tech employees, I bet you're all wondering why you're all here today and in this small room. Most.. of you know me. Who am I kidding? No one knows me, judging from the feedback I got from you guys. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Charles E. Wright, the founder and CEO of this 'lovely' tech company."

 Charles? From yesterday in the break room?  

I tried to push through the crowd  but got stuck in the middle.

"You guys are very lucky to be seeing me here today, I know I haven't been the most transparent person, but here am I to announce the next promotion!"

My heart sank ten feet when I heard my name, the feeling of unnecessarily storming off was building up quickly, when I turned to leave he started to natter about me.
"Hopefully she's in here to receive this wonderful opportunity " , eyes were trailing and heads were turning my back facing the crowd I decided to face it, pushing my way through easily this time ,in the front gazing upon the same man from yesterday, standing tall with a warm smile he held out his hand.
"Thanks.." I respond quietly , applause came when my face turned to the crowd, all that was left to do was smile and embrace it.
"All you may return to your workstation thank you for coming". Watching the heard dispatch made it a little less tense.
"Ms.Bryant, you may follow me" he cast his arm out to me , leading me down a long beautiful corridor with glass views and decorative chandeliers.

"Yesterday, was that all just an act so see if I'm 'fit' for this position?"

"No not really.. I mean I enjoyed our conversation on how 'bad' I run this place"

"I didn't say it was bad, just need improvements" , Charles snickered soundlessly and looked at me,

"This is why you have this job because you're honest, and I like that about you" a hint of flirt was in that statement.

"Well here's your office"

"My office?"

"Yeah, this is what your job consist of , you get your own room , and your one door down from me" a faint smiled appeared on his face. The feeling of being promoted from a little desk into my own room was overwhelming, vast space and next to the inexplicable person called my Boss. Turning around, my palms came into contact with my pants creating slight friction as my plump lips tried to crack a smile.

"I hope you like it here, you can get off to work... Are we still on for lunch today?"
"Uh.." I paused then nodded choking on the little words I had left to say.
"Great" he responded giving me one last smile, off to work I go.


Endless nothing had stacked up as assignments were being fulfilled to its best. The clock ticked and so did my mind as the shadows walked back and forth past "my" office. All so quiet, it irked my state of mind, the irony of me not able to work in utter silence . Two panic attacks later it was time for a break to clear my head and regroup.  Walking towards the break room I feel the eyes already impacting my presence, the hints of jealousy, curiosity and amazement were coming my way as my former tech" friends" gazed upon me.
Reaching the break room was a total relief, my body eased up a little and embraced the coffee scented air. Sitting quietly, I glanced around then sighed.
"Tired?" Charles popped in as I caught my chest,

"You scared the living hell out of me!"

"I'm extremely sorry" he chuckled sitting down next to me.

"I'm assuming you like your job?"

"It's all nice, I guess"

"You guess?"

"Am I a secretary?" That alluring smile was casted onto his face as he bit his lip,

"Not exactly. Think of it as a manager in training"

"As if that made sense..". We both smiled then awkward sat between us,

"Can I ask you something?" He blurted


"Do you," a sudden pause cracked his sentence,

"Do you like tea or coffee better?" A change in the subject was obvious, as if he wasn't asking what I prefer more.

"Coffee ."  He smiled and walked towards the coffee machine , my body eased up as it came to mind, no one is here..even when I'm in here. It's just placid, uneasy and vast when I'm in here, shrugging the fact that it was just us two in the room now, Charles returned with a cup of coffee and placed it gently in front of me.

"Tell me about yourself" he says bluntly

"Uh, what?" I say harshly gulping coffee down my throat.

"Like you"

"Well, I was born in Brooklyn.." he lightly shook his head and said ,

"I wanna hear about you".

"There isn't much to know about me , I'm a homespun female who is working for a millionaire"

"How about your love life?"

"If it existed I'd tell you all about it, other than that I've been single since birth. More of a loner than a show off, if you catch my drift"

"Interesting..." His hand grazed his chiseled chin rigorously as his beautiful blue eyes trailed along me.

"I was married 8 times and now  have 12 kids" he smiled. My eyebrows furrowed at his bewildering statement.

"I'm joking, but I was pretty much a loser until college, where my great idea turned into a business and business became money, and recognition, and girls" Charles snickered before sipping into his mug.

"Lucky you.." I murmured and focused on my mug,

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday I usually stay home since we're closed on the weekends"

"Can I take you out to lunch since our schedules look pretty clean?"

"And may I ask if that was the first thing you tried to address to me before asking the coffee vs tea question?" His cheeks turned a rosy pink and he smiled widely ,

"Yes , yes it was".

"Then I'll be looking forward to our lunch" giggling lightly I finish my offered coffee and scratched at the table, before I knew it, it was time to get back to work.


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