Chapter 3

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Beneath that tie
Saturday, my weekend, the only get away I have . My quick escape after 5 long days of rush hour, especially after this week. Time to think about me, and go out for once, with the hard working man named Charles, it's funny I can say that now it isn't often for me to go "out" unless it's grocery shopping. My roommate yet again blasting music while showering, it annoyed the living crap out of me.

My knuckles pounded against the door, and she popped out,

"Morning" she smiled

"Why do you need to blast music when you shower?"

"Oh, don't be such a brat. It's just a really good day today"

"You have good day's everyday!" giggling she turned the music off,

"And you should too". My roommate was just a jolly, forgetful soul who is "trustworthy" in a way but ideally she just a pain in my ass, forgetting it was a day to rejuvenate I immediately get back to the good things like showering, primping and curling and then stress fully sorting through clothes. It wasn't long before I heard the accustomed door bell of ours.

"Anaya get the door!" I scream and continue to get dressed.



"There's a really cute guy at the door asking to see you, or I could be wrong..."

"What?" Shaking my head I brushed past her and stopped in my path only to see an old college friend of mine standing broad and tall in my apartment.

"Peter?" He glanced at me then smiled excitedly placing his hands into the pockets of his jeans,

"Long time no see D"

"Peter it's been, forever!" My voiced altered

"Can I get a hug?" He chuckled
-his arms hurled out as I fell between them giving him a prolonged hug feeling his unknown strength.

"How've you been?"

"I've been great working just got a did you find me?"

"Old connections and junk you know"

"That's great!" Checking the time I realized I was a little late ,

"Oh, shit I've got to go, can we please catch up later" straggling my things I began to part out the door,

"Anaya will let you out. I'll see you later nice seeing you again Peter !"
One wave goodbye I was already gone and to the stairs exiting the apartment building.
Hopefully my presence will be needed at the right moment.
In a race against time walking  hastily towards the café watching my surrounding closely and my wristwatch as well, the view of floor city was pretty decent today and when I say floor city I mean down to earth deep bombarded place with mindless people bumping into you left and right. It wasn't long before I made it at least ten minutes late to the café, already seeing Charles wait made me a little petrified inside. It all vanish when he smiled at me again with those beautiful pearly whites, then he said as I approached him,

"Fashionably late I see" with a wider grin.

"I'm sorry, an old college buddy of mine popped up unexpected"

"Its fine, you're here right, that's what matters" nodding at his protestation, we sat gingerly in the outside seats along with few others. Staring him down I could tell he was giving off a relaxed mood, just looking straight back at me with zero hesitations, his eyes candidly locked on me. Waiting for a bell to save me the waitress came and smiled warmly at the both of us and asked for our request. Making our orders she left and he continued to stare, breaking the odd moment he said,

"What's your ideal relationship like?' Widening my eyes, my lips narrowed between each other followed by a small lick,

"An ideal relationship would be honesty, trust and commitment but it's hard to find those". He nodded as if he was taking mental on what I was saying, he studied my lips as he continued to ask more questions that were given answers, his movements stayed limited. When he did move it was to drink his coffee that didn't take long to come,

"So your crafty?" He grinned

"I'm not going to consider I am but, I make do"

"I'm sure you would" he replied softly showing one of his dimples. We shared laughs flirty pauses and deep stares for an hour, it was just tranquil. Nothing could honestly explain this conversation that went on, it was as if I known him since birth, a complete stranger my boss, someone I might like...

Walking home I thought about our chat, our long chat about careless things, it was embracing my insides warmly ; my stomach all twisted up in Girl Scout knots, my knees weakening by the minute, I haven't felt this way before since the 7th grade, I was feeling the need to like again. Getting to the apartment struggling to focus I make my way hopelessly up the stairs, and calmly opened the door. The rest was up to my bed, to let me have a gently sleep while pondering into a dream about the words we shared, about him being a calm, flirtatious, male who listens and responds generously *sigh* what am I feeling?


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