Chapter 8

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"I'm what?!" I yell

"D'Andrea were gunna be a family" Charles smiled

"I can't be pregnant  Charles , did you even use protection ?" He gave a subtle shrug before answering,


"Charles how am I gunna tell my parents?! That I slept with this white guy who happens to be my boss ?"

"Why white? Is there a problem with me being white ?"

"No, it's just my parents are old school and just not into the whole interracial dating and even pregnancy "

"Then we don't tell them" he blurted

"We can't just not tell them"

"Then what?"

"We'll invite them to dinner, at my apartment, you have to be there"

"Of course " his hand rested against my belly, I felt uneasy for a second.

Anaya had yet to realize the news because her mountain man of a crusher swept her off her feet before Charles had returned. The uneasy feel was later explained ,  my divorced parents both coming for dinner was like pouring water into a frying pan turned on the highest heat possible , black and white, night and day. Grabbing my phone I made the call to the two people who raised me addressing the dinner situation.

Dinner was arranged that week Friday after everyone was done with work, it was Wednesday , I was released from the hospital and the dreary feel approached or just my hormones ,it was hard to tell the difference now. My mind couldn't piece together to the fact that I'm going to be a mother , I don't even know what Charles is feeling. Back and forth I'm telling myself to keep it or just face this life. If I think about abortion the tears will flood so I rarely have a choice... I'm gunna be a mom.
Lets find a way to tell Anaya.

It was quiet . Oddly quiet sitting in the car, slouched in the passengers seat, the quietness ate me alive.

It wasn't long before we got home, Charles aided me every step to my bed,

"Hey can you tell Anaya to come...I have to tell her or you know.."

He smiled and nodded leaving the room sending her in. Her face was bright , the smile always there nothing could stop her from doing it.

"Hey pickle"

"How yah feeling fish stick ?"

"I'm fine just a little tired"

"Good, your destined lover sent me in , everything's okay?"

"Yeah, it's just that..." And there I told her and the smile on her face simmered away,

"Your what?! D'Andrea this is the bullshit I was talking about, if you didn't slow down stupid shit was going to happen, all this time I look up to you , so responsible for everything being the person breathing on my shoulder but...this. This is just out of hand, you slept with someone who you barley know and you work with him, now I'm going to lose my best friend "

I couldn't tell if she was upset about losing me or the fact that I made a dumb decision , I've never seen Anaya like this, the first time her frown was devastating . It stared me down to a point where  the words I'm sorry was nothing to her anymore .

She left in anger, I felt the tears coming, what did I do?

Charles viewed my tears and rushed in sitting next to me,

"I lost my best friend " I whisper crying

That evening Charles and I laid in bed quietly until we fell asleep.

I woke up feeling disgusted at myself, it was 4 in the morning at least I thought it was, Charles laying besides me, I was trying to figure out what to do but all my emotions rushed into one place. Causing me to lose my mind.

I got up and went to Anaya's room, the empty feel of her not being here was depressing, it was hollow , I love her so much and I decided to put her in this situation. I just want to make things right, take everything back and tell her I look up to her at times like this.

[Flashback moment]
It was that summer evening , I had way to many after graduating college year, the most I could remember my face was on some guys face at this party, but there she was to save me when he tried to get way to far, after I was piss drunk walking down the boulevard ,mind you  Anaya didn't even know my first name and helped me to her apartment aiding me until I was hung over then sober. She made me breakfast, gave me clothes and drove me home. She finally asked my name and smiled softly telling me hers. At least a year past and we became the best of friends, she sold her car and moved in with me after that ,

Here we are 4 years later me pregnant and her gone.

What am I going to do...

I instantly thought putting the dinner first was going to get my mind off it so I just started planning and cleaning, frantically trying to cloud out majority of my judgement. Let's not think about , don't think about it.

Charles woke up due to my insane stress clean and stood staring at me leaning against the wall,

"D'Andrea, what are you doing?" He asked


"You look angry"

"I'm not I'm just cleaning" I say wiping the counters vigorously,

"Babe please just stop, I don't need you pushing yourself any harder at this point"
Pausing, I notice his choice of words looking up at him, there again tears ran down my cheeks.

Dropping the items in my hands I sped to him hurling into his chest letting all the emotions roll free,

"Charles I don't know what to do, everything is just falling apart and were gunna be parents and, my parents, and and and" I cried harder after, then his words came,

"D'Andrea , sweetheart, I know this is hard right now, and everything looks like it's falling apart, but I promise , no harm , nor hurt, or tragedy is going to come your way, everything looks shitty now but after this it's going to be okay, because you have me...and, and I , um" he stammered a little

"I love you..." The three words wrapped around me like a blanket as I hugged tighter feeling his head rest against mine.

"I love you too..." I whisper


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