The Story of the ghost

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Stevi was on her honey moon in Paris with her new husband Patrick and they were having a great time. While they were on a tour of the city they came apon an old cemetery. The tour guide led everybody in. Stevi, Patrick, and all the other tourists walked through the cemetery until they stopped in front of a grave. "Now, you may have heard or seen the story of Hugo Cabret. You thought he wasn't real but he was and this grave happens to be his grave." said the tour guide as he showed the tourists the grave. "Let's start with after he moved in with George Melies, Momma John, and their goddaughter, Isabel. Well one day, he ventured into the train station he used to live in because he was missing his old home. Even with all the attention he had now. He never liked being alone after his father died, but he had grown so used to it that now he almost preferred to be alone. As he was walking alongside the familiar tracks, he fell onto them. Before he could get up, a high speed train came barreling down the tracks. Hugo screamed for help, but his crying pleas were never answered. The train unintentionally ran him over, it just couldn't stop in time. After the death of Hugo Cabret, the train station was closed down. Now Hugo's ghost haunts that very train station, seeking revenge on all the living, especially his attacker who caused his tragic death. If you go into that train staton late at night, you just might hear a young high-pitched voice saying :"Help! Help me! Can't anyone hear me? Why won't you help me!?" and that is the story of the ghost of Hugo Cabret." The tore guide said as he put his hand on the grave.

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