chapter eight

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The sun is gone by the time we get back to campus. I am thankful that most everyone's in either their dorms or the library because nothing makes me uneasy like a sea of nameless faces. I turn Gus off and we sit there for a long time.

"Thank you," Liz says finally.

"For what?"

"For the past couple of days. I'd forgotten what it was like to just be wild and free, beyond the walls of a life that's been constructed for me by everyone but myself."

I smile at her. "You're welcome."

She opens the door to get out and just as she's about to close it behind her, she says, "To be continued?"

"Yeah," I nod. "To be continued."

And she leaves and vanishes inside the girls' dorm, but I stay.

I'm falling. But then, I've always been falling, descending into a cavern deeper than my eyes can see. But I've grabbed hold of something, a ledge that wasn't there before, and I'm holding on.

I'm holding onto those three little words. And they're not the ones you might expect. They're simple and they're elegant, but they're a promise.

"To be continued," I whisper to the empty seat beside me.

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