chapter forty-one

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"It was a blood clot," the nurse says. "We've stabilized him for now, but his body is weak. There's nothing left for us to do."

Mrs. West folds into her husband's arms and cries silently into his shoulder.

"It's up to Adam now." The nurse leaves us.

Wrapping my arms tight around my chest, I take control of each breath.

My mind cycles through everything I know.

Adam is alive.

He's not dead.

But his body is weak.

It's up to him.

But I'm pregnant.

With Adam's baby.

I don't think I want to get rid of it anymore. I don't think I can get rid of it anymore.

My head falls back and I keep myself from crying because I'm tired of feeling like I'm just sitting here waiting for him to die. There's nothing else I know to do, so I just pray. It's nothing extravagant or anything. It's just me and the God I was taught to believe in.

And I hope He can forget my mess long enough to hear my prayers.

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