Chapter Fourteen - Hello Once Again

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(Last Chapter! It was fun guys ;] ) 

Chapter Fourteen - Hello Once Again

Julie's POV~

I woke up in my crappy bed.

Where was I again?

Right, I was in my husband's  house... My abuser lover...

Who was I again? 

Julie Stone, age 25, my husband is a drunk abusive ass hole, Jake Stone.

I ran my fingers through my hair, What a crazy dream.

I heard a smashing sound and Jake came in my room.

"What the fuck is this?" He said violently, handing me the new China (and the only good looking thing in the house) that I got from my friend.

"It's... Our new China? I thought you would like it..." I replied, backing up to the wall on my bed.

"Come here!" He said throwing himself at me.

"No!" I threw my marriage ring at his face and ran out the door.

"Fuck!" He ran after me and grabbed my hair, I screamed.

"Thinking of running away from me?! HUH?!" He yelled as he pulled me down.

Jake wasn't like this when I first married him. 

He's like this because our daughter, Kattie, died in a house fire that he caused. He could never forgive himself... Instead, he blames me and takes his anger out on me.

He brought a bat down to my head but I quickly got out of the way.

I ran and ran. I ran into someone's driveway and I was trapped.

Before I could yell, Jake hit me.

And I fell to the ground.

Toby's POV~

I took another large sip from my beer, finishing it off and about to open another.

I heard a cracking noise outside.

"Who would be outside at this time of night?" I said to myself.

A robber

Or a bear...

There aren't bears where I live; what am I talking about?

I should go check it out...?...


I have to move now.

I started walking to my sliding glass door, turned on the back porch light and opened the door.

"Hello?" I said.

What am I doing?

No one is out here, I'm talking to myself.

I look closer and find a...

A girl.


It can't be?

I walk closer.

No, it IS a girl.


Is that blood?

Oh my god... She's bleeding!

I go up to her and turn her towards me.

Her head... She's losing a lot of blood...

I whip out my phone and Dial 911.

I explain and just wait for them to get here and try to stop the bleeding with a towel.

I look at her and just think to myself, she's so pretty... Her hair was blonde and wavy and long. It was beautiful--without the blood and what not.

She looked fit, and very slim... She had cute freckles on her cheeks.

Am I really thinking about how beautiful she looks?

This girl could be dead!

No... She's breathing, I can see her stomach move...

Then I hear the sirens, they pick her up in the ambulance and I join her and just watch her.

They keep asking me what happened and they find it hard to believe that "She just showed up."

You'll be okay.

I promise, I'll help you.

Julie's POV~

God... My head hurts...

 What happened?

Then I remembered Jake and the baseball bat.

I shivered at the thought of him

Where am I?

I took a look around and realized I was in the hospital. I also saw a man sleeping on the couch.

"Wait... This is just like my..." I said, but the doctor walked in before I could finish.

"Hello Hun, how are you feeling?" he asked with a smile.

Damn, he's cute.

"Uhm... Okay I guess, besides the pain in my head but, I'm having a weird deja vu moment." I laughed.

Is he the same doctor from my dream...?

"Do you remember anything that happened?" He asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I do." I said.

"Good, no memory loss. " He said looking at his clipboard.

"Heh. Is that so?" I said quietly enough so he couldn't hear.

"That guy over there, he saved your life."


"Okay so, I'll leave you be, the nurse will give you pain medicine in an hour. You already had your last dose four hours ago, that's why the pain is coming back."

"Okay, thank you."

He walked out and I looked at the man on the couch, feeling like I knew him.

Then he fell off the couch.

A laugh escaped me, which must have taken him off guard because it made him jump.

"Oh hey, you're awake," he said, coming over to me.

All of the memories from my dream starting flowing back; he... HE was the guy from my dream! This has all happened before! And I remembered it!

My mouth dropped open.

"...Toby?" I said.

The end ;)


I really hope you like the ending twist!!! I love this ending to death XD But just saying everything that happened in her dream will come true, so maybe she can prevent Toby's death ;) Just throwing that out there lol. So I hope you liked this story!! I really enjoyed writing it! Another fan fiction will be coming out soon called "Is this your dog?" So if you liked this, you will like that one! It has Toby in it ;D I already wrote three of the chapters so yeah ^w^ And also if you like Cryaotic (Cry) Then you will ESPECIALLY love that story!!!! This was a fun journey ;D Bless your face, if you enjoyed this BLESS YOU. Peace off. READ MORE OF MY STORIES! ;) Peace off! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWP. :D (P.S. I think the songs fit this chapter hehe!)

(Thanks Rissa for correcting my stuff ;D)

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