chapter 3: 'Are you Ready?'

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Blair saint-Clair:

"Im sorry" i muttered as soon as i turned around he sighed and returned his head back to the crook of my neck.

"Its not used to girls saying no to me, i geuss i kind of lost control of my anger." He said as he looked up at me.

"But is it so bad that i want really want you" he whispered huskily and i closed my eyes as my stomach tightened.

"I'll be honest...i never liked you jason! In fact i hated you...still kinda do, your not my type, but....I've never felt this...need before! Is it weird that i want you to want me?" I asked shyly and he smiled.

"No its not" he said
"We haven't even kissed or touched yet" i said as a blush graced my face.

He tilted my chin up and stared at me charmingly

"Then let's change that" he said before his lips descended on mine.

As soon as his lips touched mine the tingles started.

He kissed me slowly bitting and licking on my bottom lips.

He definitely knew what he was doing.
A knot formed in the pit of my stomach and my toes curled as he pulled me closer.

He licked my lips for enterance and i instantly gave it to him.

His tounge invaded my mouth and a moan instantly fell from my lips.
I could feel his erection pressing against my stomach.

Just as i was about to pull him closer he pulled away "lets take this to my room" he said biting my earlobe.

I nodded as i trailed behinde him.

He lead me to another part of the house where there was an elevator and pressed the button.
As soon as it opened he pushed me inside and continued to kiss me.

The one sweet kiss on the dance floor now turned into a heated kiss filled with lust and passion.

His hands went under my shirt just as the elevator opened and i pushed him out.

He stumbled in surprise and a giggle fell out of my lips.
He pulled me towards him and kissed me hungrily.

One hand trailed up my shirt once again while his other tried to open his door.

He groaned as his fighting with the door handle was relentless.
I pulled away and smiled cheekily "just open the door" i said shaking my head at him he scowled, opened the door and pulled me in.

He took his shirt off and i couldn't help but stare at his perfectly sculpted chest.
"Your drooling" he smirked and i rolled my eyes "oh please we all know my chest looks better" i said then as a boost of confidence hit me i slowly took off my shirt.
I walked away slowly swinging my shirt in my hands.

I turned around to see his jaw droped "are you going to just stand there or help me unhook my bra?" I asked sending him a sly look.

He chuckled as his eyes turned dark "oh your a bad girl!" He said then grabed me making me sequel in surprise.

He picked me up, dropping me on his king sized bed, before his lips went back to mine.

He kissed me harder as my hands slide down his bare chest.
Without knowing he unclipped my bra and threw it off to the side.

He pulled away and looked down at my chest.
I bit my lips suddenly feeling shy i wrapped my arms around my chest "No staring just doing" i said quietly and he looked at me his eyes softening.

"Why? I like staring at pretty things and these-" he started as he pulled my hands away from my chest.

He kissed each breast top slowly.
"Are fvucking beautiful!" He whispered the last word as if in awe.

A blush crept up my cheeks and i slide my hands from his chest down to his belt buckle.

"Take this off" i said biting my lips.

He quickly stood and pulled his pants off "Now you" he said huskily.

"What we're taking turns now?" I asked laughing lightly.
He bit his lip sexily and my eyes dropped down to them.

Imagine all the things these lips could do to me.

I thought as i licked my lips hungrily.

"You look hungry" jason said laughing "i am...come here" i said curling my fingers repeatedly at him.
He chuckled and shook his head "uhuh. pants. Off." He said and i rolled my eyes before squirming out of my pants.

Just as i kicked it off i looked up to find him completely naked.

My eyes trailed down and they widdened.
He was big!
No..he was HUGE!

And very aroused.

He crawled back on top of me and kissed my neck, his shaft rubbing against my underwear cladded clit.

He groaned and started sucking harder on my neck.

"Are y-you sure t-thats going to fit?" I asked and he came up and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Just relax" he laughed.

I nodded as our lips met again.

While he was kissing me he some how got my underwear off without me noticing and soon he was positioning himself.

"Are you ready?" He asked and i nodded bitting my lips.

He kissed me just as slowly as he entered me but i still felt it. That searing pain as if i was being ripped open.

But it was gone as soon as it came and i was soon in an all time high.

But in all the giggling, the teasing, and the arousal i didnt even realized that jason did not use a condom.
Ohhhhh smh

I would suggest teens not to have sex abd just wait but not many listen so if you are stay protected cause you never know what can happen.

Especially if you religious and curious then please guys i cannot stress this enough wait!! Cause the devil works in mysterious ways and just because you only did it once doesn't mean nothing can happen.

Antways hope uou guys enjoy this chapter im only posting rarly cause its break!


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