chapter 13:"it's not what you think!"

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"Jason leave!" i said trying to suppress my smile.

"OK..OK. By the way i don't think your brother enjoyed the show to much!" he said then winked.

My heart dropped as i quickly turned around to see Brandon standing at the door with an Angry look on his face.

I didn't even care if Jason was still here anymore.

The fact of the matter was i was dead!

That fvcking jackass did that on purpose!


Blair saint-Claire:

  "I-i" i started but i was at a loss for words. Nothing would come out.

   My brother stepped out closing the door behind him.

  "Who the hell is that?!" Brandon snapped through gritted teeth.

      My mouth opened and closed but nothing came out.

  The door to the house burst open and my sister and Joan came out.

        They paused as they saw Brandon outside.

  "Who. The. Hell. Is he Blair?!" he snapped ignoring the girls entrance.

     "B-Brandon i-" i started But was cut off abruptly.

  "You said you didn't know! You said you didn't know and you lied! To me. To dad!" he yelled and i frowned.

He knew.

       "It's not what you think!" i said.

  "Its not?! Does he know?" he asked and i looked away in shame.

    "Brandon maybe you should-" Marissa started.

  "Stay out of this Marissa!" he yelled.

     "What the hell is going on out here?!" my dads voice boomed.

   "Does he know or not Blair?!" Brandon yelled.

   "Brandon! Why the hell are you yelling at your sister outside like you don't have no Damn sense!!?" my dad yelled.

       "Why don't you ask your daughter why she lied about the kids dad?!" Brandon snapped glaring at me.

  "You can't keep him from his kids you know! They look just like him and its so selfish of you to just keep this to yourself. Not to mention you were just out there kissing him like nothing was wrong, as if what your keeping is not about to change his life around!" he said before he walked away angrily.

    "Dad..." i trailed off as my eyes filled with tears.

  "Come on lets go inside" my dad said before we all trailed after him.
  "Joan and Marissa can you go check on the twins please, see if they are hungry." my dad said before leading me to his office.

      We sat on the big couch instead of the desk chairs and my dad looked at me.

  "Is it true?" he asked and that's when i burst into tears.

    "I'm sorry dad. A-at first i was really mad at him and i thought he used m-me, but then when school started he kept trying to talk to me until i finally gave in and found out that i hurt him just as much as he hurt me, a-and i want to tell him i really do I'm just, I'm so scared." i ranted out through my tears and sobs.
    My dad sighed.

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