chapter 7: 'penny for your thoughts'

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So for the people that Dont know how I look like this is me

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So for the people that Dont know how I look like this is me.....its in black in white idk I just choose the first pic I saw but if u guys want a better clearer one do tell and hope you enjoy this chapter cause I enjoyed writing it.

Blair saint-clair:

"Ahhhh...Mommy mommy mommy!!" Little sequels filled the halls as my daughter ran into my room, straight into my arms.

I smiled as I scooped her up.
"What now boobie?" I asked as I pinched her chubby cheeks.

She looked away and squealed again as I started tickling her.

She squirmed in my hands as her tiny curls swing's from side to side.

Not long after more giggles came and my son ran into the room.

"I got you!" He said but it more sounded like "I gotchu"

I laughed as I picked him up to.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked and they smiled and shook their heads "notchin" they said and I giggled at how they pronounced nothing.

Yes you guessed it. I had twins!

I loved these two so much even if they reminded me so much of their father.

Its been 2 years.... 2 whole years and 2 months since I found out I was pregnant.

My babies are turning 2 in a couple months and they still Didn't know their father.

For the life of me I couldn't get the nerve to call him up.

What was I going to say?

Hey here's your son and daughter I got to go to the mall real quick?

No. I Don't think so.

"Penny for your thought's?" My little boy Mason saint-clair Maraz asked as he stared at me with his big blue eyes.

He was an exact replica of his father. With the same shaggy jet black hair and bright blue eyes.

Instead of the two deep dimples he had one.

"I'm thinking of how much I love my little prince and princess." I said as I gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

They giggled. "Ewww mommy no kisses!" My little girl jaysa saint-clair Maraz giggled as she wiped her cheeks.

Yes I gave them his last name...I thought it was only fair.

Now her...she had my curly brown mane but her dads bright blue eyes and two dimples.

She smiled at me cheekily as I stuck my tounge out at her.

"Didn't auntie marissa just tuck you guys into bed?" I asked curiously

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