Chapter 16: I freaking like it!

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    Tears streamed down my face as i held my sisters frail hands.

   Every beep that came from the machine just drove me crazy.

    "-She's fine for now...she just fainted. I believe its cause by stress.
   The bad news is that her blood pressure went up which could become very dangerous.
       For now i suggest you keep her away from anything that could make her upset for about a week.
       And if anything happens or she faints again then she needs to report back here immediately." the doctor said and i nodded.

    "Is she going to be ok?" Marc asked concerned.

   Right now it was only me, Marc and Joan in my sisters hospital room.

  After she fainted Marc came and saw us and helped us bring her to the hospital.

    I called my dad and brother to reassure them that they did not have to leave work.

   God i've never been so scared in my life.

   "She has a bump on her head from her fall which as soon as she gets home she should ice it, but other then the things I've mentioned she's fine.
     She's asleep right now but as soon as she wakes up you guys can sign her out and take her home." the doctor said with a reassuring smile.

   "Although it says here that she's a mother." the doctor stated as he looked over his papers.

  "Yes she is." Joan answered "why?" she asked.

    "How long ago did she have those kids?" he asked and i stared at him nervously.

  "They are about to turn two." Joan once again answered.

    I was too nervous to speak.

      Marcs hands grabbed mine to stop me from biting my nails.

   I looked at him in shock and he shook his head in warning.

     His hands enveloped mine and he squeezed them reassuringly.

  I instantly relaxed but my cheeks flamed up at the feel of his hands on mine.

   "And she had a C-section is that right?" he asked

   And we nodded.

  "Well then she'll need to be extra careful.  If she faints again this could cause her internal bleeding on the area she was cut, which could make it dangerous enough for her to have surgery again." he said and i frowned.

   "But i thought those things heals in months or so." i asked

    "Yes but they never really heal. The tissues has to technically rebuild its self and we doctors never really know how long it takes to heal.
      Everybody heals differently, we just give an estimated time." he said and i nodded in understanding.

   "Ok thank you doctor. Can we get her medicine and a list of possible things she has to do in order to prevent this?" Joan asked and the doctor smiled.

   "Sure come with me." he said.

   Joan smiled at us reassuringly before leaving the room.

    "Damn! I have to call Jason and tell him!" Marc said as he reached for his phone.

  "No!" i yelled stopping him. "I don't think Blair would want Jason to know." i said nervously.

    He gave me a disbelieving look.

  "And i don't think i could ever keep this from my best friend." he said before quickly hitting speed dial.

     My eyes widened.

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