Chapter Four (Lovino's POV)

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"I tried telling him what a stupid idea that was, but he didn't listen. He rode it down the stairs anyways. And so that's how he ended up breaking our favorite toy and his wrist." Feli's home. I guess he brought a guest, considering he doesn't talk to himself. Well, not often, I mean. I hate the story he's telling. You ride a toy car down a flight of stairs once when you're six and you never hear the end of it from your brother! Why does he even still remember that? Curse his unusually good memory.

I know I can't avoid him and his currently unknown companion forever, so I reluctantly step out into the living room. It's Feliciano and Ludwig. Feli got together with his soulmate a few weeks ago. They're such a perfect couple that it makes me sick. I don't like Ludwig very much. He scares me, but I'll never tell him that. But he and Feli are good together so I guess it works out.

"Hey Lovi! I hope you don't mind that Ludwig's here. We're going to study together." Sure, "study". I know that Feli never studies for anything.

"That depends more of Grandpa's approval than mine," I say. Grandpa isn't home at the moment. Probably off volunteering somewhere or exercising. He's surprisingly active for an old man.

"You know how he is. He thinks me and Luddy should hang out more than we already do." Feli smirks. That's very true. Grandpa is a hopeless romantic and was thrilled when Feli and Ludwig first met in September.

Which is why I'm not going to tell Grandpa about Antonio yet...but I'll probably tell Feli as soon as we're alone. I desperately need advice.

"Hello Lovino," Ludwig says politely. I don't mess with him and he doesn't mess with me. It's how we hide our hatred of each other in front of Feli.

"Hey Ludwig," I reply then turn to Feli. "I'm going up to my room. Tell me when you guys are done." Feli nods and lets me make my escape.

A few hours pass of "studying" (as for what they actually did, I'm not so sure) before Grandpa comes home. I can tell even though my door is shut and my ear buds are in. It's impossible to miss his booming voice. I hear him wish Ludwig farewell and then there's silence a few minutes later. Either I've suddenly gone deaf or Grandpa is in his room asleep. Both are distinct possibilities in this household. I cough and discover that I'm luckily not deaf quite yet, Grandpa is just sleeping. He's the type of person who can fall asleep the moment they get in bed.

I decide to take this opportunity to go downstairs and confront Feli. He's sitting on the living room carpet. He's smiling and humming while he puts his stuff in his backpack.

"We need to talk," I say to announce my presence.

"Sure, what about?" He sounds slightly worried by my serious tone.

"It's nothing bad," I assure him. "Well, for you. It's bad for me."

He stops fidgeting with his things. I sit down next to him and pick at a loose string on my fluffy socks. I can't bring myself to look at him. I'm just so nervous about telling him my news. I lower my voice to a whisper so Grandpa won't somehow hear. You can never be too careful with him.

"I saw green eyes."

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