Chapter Seven (Lovino's POV)

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Feli squeals and hugs me. "That's wonderful! Who, who? I have to meet them, oh gosh, what're they like, Lovi?"

"Shut up. If Gramps hears, I'm done for," I whisper and make a shushing motion with my finger.


"He'll freak out and demand the same things as you. But he'll be a lot more stubborn about it. Plus it's humiliating and stupid," I explain.

"I guess so. Can't you at least answer me quietly?" he asks, whispering now as well.

"Fine," I stick my nose up. "He's a new kid in a lot of my classes."


"He's sort of like you. A cheerful and friendly klutz." I don't add the other... unusual adjectives that I'm thinking.

"Neat," he stands up and holds his bag. According to him, it's blue. "I have to go do homework. Good luck Lovi."

"Didn't you do it when Ludwig was here?" I scoff. He simply giggles and winks before he goes upstairs.



"Good morning Lovi!" an all too familiar voice exclaims. I lift my head up and take out my ear buds.

"Why hello there Antonio. And why have you decided to intrude on my nap?" I ask. Before the bell rings, everyone sits in the cafeteria and does as they please. Most people talk, but since I don't have friends and Feli always hangs around Ludwig nowadays, I sit alone and do nothing for 30 minutes.

Just as I dread, Antonio sits down next to me. "Because nobody else really talks to me yet. Well I guess those two guys in P.E. are cool. Francis and Gilbert, I think? I sat with them at lunch too, because you were being mean and didn't let me sit with you," he says and picks lint off my hoodie. "Dirty."

"I don't care how dirty it is." I basically wear it 24/7. It's my favorite piece of clothing. One good thing about not seeing colors is you don't have to worry about matching. If that was a concern, I would be doomed. I'm way too lazy to pay attention to my clothes.

"You should," he says. "Anyways, we're alone for the next 30 minutes unless you have some secret mystery friends that I'm not aware of. So why don't we actually discuss the color thing?"

I put my head back down. "What about it? It's not like I can help seeing the green in your stupid, horrible eyes."

"We need to get down to business! We're soulmates and there's no denying that!" He sounds oddly serious.

"Not so loud. I don't want people to know," I say miserably. He shakes my shoulder.

"Cheer up. I'm not that terrible," he jokes. I sigh. This is going to be a very long day.

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