Chapter Ten (Lovino's POV)

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While I did hit Antonio in the face with a textbook, I don't deserve to be in the office. I only did it because he was being irritating. I was only doing what was right. It's not even first period yet and I'm already in trouble. Can they even do that? Am I supposed to go to the principal for something I did in the morning before class? Apparently so. Wow, the saying is true. You really do learn something new every day. Just not in classes.

"Lovino Vargas, right? Come inside." Welp, there's the principal. Despite the situation, he seems friendly. I hardly ever see him because he remains in his office most of the time. It's kind of unnerving. It's like he lives there or something.

"Yes sir," I say in my most "I'm an innocent, polite individual who didn't just hit somebody" voice. I get out of the chair outside the office and switch to one inside of it.

"What did you possibly do to get sent here before class even began? I'm genuinely curious," he asks as he sits down on his spinning chair.

"Well...I may or may not have hit somebody with my science textbook," I say. He stifles a laugh.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because he was getting on my nerves!"

"You remind me of me when I was your age. I'm letting you off the hook this time. But I don't want to have to see you in here again. Try to behave," he tells me with a laugh. He scribbles something on a piece of paper. I'm speechless. I got off punishment free! Woo!

I try to conceal my excitement as I walk back to the cafeteria. Antonio is still off at the nurse or something so I escape to a relatively unpopulated table. Three other people are there. One of them is doing homework and the other two are talking quietly amongst each other. I slam my bag onto the table to get their attention. "Yo losers, I'm sitting here."

"Hey. Aren't you that one who the teacher took to the office a few minutes ago? What did you do?" a boy with glasses asks. I frown because I immediately recognize him. He's the most popular guy in Mondo High School, Alfred Jones! I don't recognize his companions though. New members of the A-list group? Wouldn't surprise me. They always seem to be expanding. But they've never gone anywhere near me.

"Don't tell your friends I called you a loser!" I panic. "I still have a small slither of a reputation I'm trying to keep up! Oh, and yeah, that was me. I hit someone in the face with a book, no big deal."

Alfred's two friends look startled but his smile doesn't fade. "Lovino!" a frustrated voice exclaims.

"Speak of the devil." I bury my face in my hoodie sleeves. That's becoming my usual defense whenever Antonio is near me.

"Lovino, what was all that for? You're a hard hitter," Antonio complains. He's sitting next to me now.

I force myself to look up. He has a small bandage on his cheek. I guess I gave him a paper cut. Ha. "You were annoying me."

"You're awful," he whines and dramatically rubs his cheek. But I know he doesn't really mean it.

"I thought we were going to be alone. Now we've nearly got a full table," the guy next to Alfred whispers to him.

"Sorry about that Kiku. I guess people are just drawn to me," Alfred says with a shrug.

"That's true," the other guy chimes in. "You're pretty friendly."

"Thanks for all the help, Tino," Kiku says sarcastically. We both put our heads down.

Today is going to be another long day. I think I'm going to be saying that a lot from now on.

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