Chapter Twenty-Four (Lovino's POV)

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I think I had a minor heart attack or seizure or something when we passed the big sign in the hallway on our way to first period. Antonio had to stop and wait for me to catch my breath and everything. Mainly because that hideous neon pink sign reminded me of something I had forgotten on purpose.

Valentine's Day is next week, and our horrible school hosts a moronic dance for it.

I can't believe December and January are already gone. Have I really known this fool for two and a half months? Have I seriously hung around him every day for this long too? I guess I'm the fool.

Normally on the night of Valentine's Day I sit at home on the Internet and down an entire package of chocolates Grandpa buys for me and Feli to share while Feli begs me to give him some. I hand him the empty box when I'm done. But this year, there's something concerning me. Or more like...someone.

I guess you could say that I don't hate Antonio as much as I try to imply. I guess you could describe that odd feeling I get in my stomach as nervous butterflies. I guess you could say that I think he's better looking than average and that I get flustered easily around him. I also guess you could say that I've got a huge crush on him.

You could say those things because they're all true.

Yes, I like that numbskull. No, I haven't told him. I was never planning to. But seeing that poster reminded me that I can't bury my emotions forever. I'm going to have to decide whether to ask him to the dance or not.

"Lovi, good morning!" There's the source of my problem greeting me the way he always does. I used to yell at him for calling me Lovi because only Feli does that, but I've started to like it enough to let it slide.

"Why are you so energetic? It's barely eight in the morning," I complain.

"Why are you so tired?" he counters.

"Because I can't sleep." I put my face down on the table. I do this on a near daily basis.

"When did you fall asleep?" I shrug.

"Dunno. Like three? I got up at six." He widens his bright green eyes.

"Lovi, do you do that a lot? It's not healthy," he reminds me.

"I know, I know. I've just got insomnia or something, no big deal."

"Are you trying to make me worry and mother you? Of course it's a big deal. It's gonna make you look a lot worse for wear, for one."

"I couldn't care less what I look like," I insist.

"You should. I think putting in some more effort could really benefit you. This curl is kind of odd. It bobs up and down when you talk." He reaches out and tries to smooth my hair down. I wince and try but fail to swat his hands away.

"Don't touch it!" I exclaim.

"I'm only trying to help. You look like you got ready in the dark," he says and continues working on my hair.

"I did. Now stop touching my curl."

"Why? What's even the point of it, by the way? It's sort of an odd style choice. No offense."

"I don't know. It's just always been like that. My brother Feli's hair is like that too," I explain. "But touching it causes a weird reaction. It's really embarrassing."

"What kind of reaction?" Great, now he sounds curious. I should have just moved seats. I try to think of how to explain it.

"I get all...all out of control. And clingy and..." I shudder when his hand brushes against it. "Overly honest. And pushy. Overall it's no fun for anybody involved, especially when it happens to me and Feli at the same time. So we never bother with trying to get rid of them."

"Odd," he comments. I want to scream "Hallelujah!" when Alfred and Kiku sit down across from us.

"Hey. 'Sup?" Alfred greets.

"Toni's torturing me," I sneer. I called him Toni. I didn't mean to do that! Oh no, it must be starting.

"I didn't realize you had a nickname for me. I like it. That's what Francis and Gil call me," Antonio says. I nod.

"Yeah. I don't tell you lots of things. Did I ever mention I love that green jacket you have on? It makes you look even better than usual. Dare I say, more attractive." Yep, here we go. Stuff is coming out of my mouth that I don't want to say. I'm never going to live this down.

"Haha, did I touch your curl one too many times? Thank you, though. I wasn't too sure about this jacket. I figured it was a little too old fashioned." He stops messing with my hair and puts his hands back on his binder. Kiku quirks an eyebrow.

"What, are you two becoming us?" He chuckles at his own dumb joke.

"No, I'm just temporarily unable to lie because Toni couldn't keep his hands to himself. Not that I mind. He did fix my hair. Maybe it won't be so bad to tell the truth for once. I'm a chronic liar."

"So am I," Alfred waves his hand and admits. "I'm not being forced by some weird hair-related incident to tell you that, I just felt like I should share."

This isn't going to end well for me once they start asking questions...

(Wow, I completely forgot this chapter existed until I edited it just now! Haha, weird. In this story, Feliciano and Lovino's curls don't have the...ahem...function they have in regular Hetalia. It's much more innocent in this world. It mainly just makes them brutally honest. Unlike some of my friends, *coughs, but she's not into Hetalia so she probably won't read this* I don't write smut. Just fluff~)

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