Chapter EIGHT

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-Chapter 8-

The big black/red wolf walked away. The Parker wolf had me pinned against a tree, me barley able to move. My throat was on fire from the lack of food. I felt myself weaking.

"Alex, we don't have to fight like this. We don't have to be enimies. We can be friends, if not aquantiances." He got closer to me, his brown eyes melting into mine, even as a Vampire. My now still heart tingled.

Don't back down now Alex. The lack of food is weaking your self-power. Fight back.

I hissed in his face and squirmed, my throat on fire. He was so close. So close. And I was so weak. To weak. He backed away and I fell to the ground. I looked up at him.

"I'm not afraid to fight you," I hissed.

"I know. That's the part that scares me," the Parker wolf wispered.

My heart throbbed. 'What? Parker, scared? Parker?' I reached my hand out towards him, ready to back away if he jumped. Instead he leaned his head on me hand. We stayed like that for a moment, Werewolf and Vampire, then I backed away, the warmth was to much. I couldn't hurt him. My best friend. I ran into the forest, my hair trailing out behind me in the wind. A lone howl behind me told me that I had hurt him.

Or something close to that anyway.

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