Until Next Time

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"Cass hurry up!" my mom yelled. 

"I'm coming. I'm coming." I said sarcastically. She needed to chill. "Here," I said as i jumped off the last stair at my house.

"Took you long enough!" my friend Emily said. "Are you ready to go stalk them?"

I nodded my head eagerly. One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer were in town tonight for a concert on the Take Me Home tour. Sadly, I couldn't get tickets because my mom is a cheapo. So, Emily and I are going to drive around town to see if we can find them.

"Where did the last tweet say that they were?" Emily asked as she backed out of my driveway.

"At the mall, I think they're by the Apple Store."

"Good. I need a new case." 

I laughed with excitement as we pulled into our parking space, "I think if we look for a group of girls we will probably find them."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

We walked through the mall, trying to look as normal as possibly. There weren't a whole lot of people there, about as any as a normal day, which was surprising considering who else was in the building. 

"Do you want to stop at Starbucks real fast? I need caffeine if we're going to be walking all over the mall. I was up until 4 a.m. last night on tumblr," I whine when we pass my favorite coffee place.

"Ugh, fine. But hurry! We don't know how long they're going to be here for. I'm going into Forever 21. Come get me when you're done."

I smiled and walked into line, ordering my frappucino. It didn't take very long before the barista called my order, so I went up to grab it. When I reached out, someone else snatched it just before I could. "Hey! That's my drink."

"Actually, I believe it's mine."

"What makes you so sure?"

"First of all, this is what I ordered second, I was here first and third, I highly doubt your name is also Louis."

You paused for a moment, looking at the name on the side of the cup.

"Oh...sorry. I just, I've never met anyone who gets the same thing as me. All of my friends think it's gross."

"It's fine. I think this is your's." He grabbed the drink off of the counter. "Roxie?"

"My real name is Cassandra, but I like Roxie better. Fits my personality more."

"I see."

"Yeah. On the subject of names, what did you say yours was?"

"Louis," he said smuggly. "Louis Tomlinson."

Knowing exactly who he was, I decided it would be funny to mess with him, "That's a really nice name. I'm assuming you're not from around here, considering your accent and all."

"Um...no I'm not. I'm from Doncaster, England."

"I've always wanted to go to England. What brings you to the states?"

"I'm actually on tour with my band right now, but I don't think you've heard of them."

"I think I have." 

"Oh yeah."

"Yupp," I said pulling my phone out of my pocket and pretending to check a text, making my 1D phone case completely visible.

"You sly dog," he said. "You got me!"

"Well, that was the plan."

"Lou! C'mon we've gotta go grab dinner. Niall's starting to complain," you heard a familiar, husky voice say. You turned your head to see Harry standing next to you.

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