I Promise

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I wrote this for a girl on tumblr. I hope you like it!

Aubrey and Harry

You and Harry have been best friends since the beginning of time. Even when he’s traveling the world he always takes time out his day to send you a quick text or, occasionally, a really sweet voicemail while you’re asleep. No matter what, he never failed to make you smile.

But those messages turned out to be the ONLY thing that could make you smile. This school year has been rough. With Harry gone, no one really talks to you. Sure, you’ve got a few friends, but not BEST friends. You get invited to parties, but never go. You’re too depressed. You don’t know how it got to this point, but you know it did.

Harry stopped calling and texting. Your mom was never home. It really hit you when you were standing by your sink, a razor in hand. When your phone went off and Harry’s solo from What Makes You Beautiful started to play through your empty house. You let it ring once;looking at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks were sunken in. You hadn’t had a decent nights sleep in a month. You were beyond skinny. Annorexia can do that to you.

You phone continued to ring. You looked down at the razor in your hand. You took in a shaky breath as you phone stopped ringing. You closed your eyes and pressed the cold metal to your soft flesh. Not yet making your mark, but preparing yourself for whats to come.

Just as you’re about to cut, your phone goes off again, scaring you. You accidentally cut yourself when you jump. “Shit,” you curse under your breath. You turn on the sink and watch as the red flows down the drain. You grab some toilet paper and press it onto your wrist, but the blood is still flowing out rapidly.You walk out of the bathroom and look at the caller ID on your screen.

Call From:

Hazza <3

You stared at the screen for a moment. Harry hadn’t called in a few months. Maybe four or five? Yeah, that souds right. Why would he be calling you now? It stops ringing and you sigh and toss your phone back on your bed. You start feeling a bit lightheaded.

You sit on the edge, thinking about everything that’s going wrong in your life. Forgetting all of the bright sides. Sitting alone in the cafeteria, pretending your best friend is right next to you when actually he’s half way around the world. You think about how little you mean to everyone and how no one could ever possibly miss you because no one is around to care.

Right as you’re about to get up, your phone rings for the third time. You roll your eyes and reach for it, sliding the bar on the bottom and unlocking it. “Hello?” You don’t even sound like yourself.

“Aubrey?” the familiar Chesire accent rings through the receiver.

“Yeah,” you say. Not trying to sound annoyed, but failing miserably.

“I have a surprise for you,” he says, the smirk eveident in his voice.

“Is that so?”


“When do I get this surprise?”

“When you get your lazy ass downstairs and answer the door.”

You groan and stomp down the stairs. “This better be good, Styles.” You get to the front door and a wave of dizziness washes over you. You use the handle to stead yourself, blink a few times, and open the door.

There, standing  in front of you, is your best friend. You want to smile and run into his arms, but something is stopping you. You can’t move. Your head starts pounding and your vision grows fuzzy. You hear Harry say something, but it’s so far away you can’t hear it clearly.

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