Finally Home

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Hey so this is the first one shot ive ever written. so tell me what you think! 

This is dedicated to ulivien16 for making the AWESOME cover for my one shots!! GO FAN HER RIGHT NOW!!!

Well, anywho... HERE'S THE STORY!!

Niall Horan One-Shot


You and Niall have been dating secretly for 4 months. Management won’t let you guys go public because they think that the boys will loose fans if Niall isn’t single.

The boys have been on tour for the past four months in America, opening for Big Time Rush. Sure, you and Niall text everyday and Skype whenever he has time, but it’s not the same. You really miss him. You’re phone vibrates in your pocket and you grab it and open the text message.

Hey lovely :) guess what? – Nialler xx

Aw. He’s so adorable.

What? Xx

You reply quickly. You get butterflies in your stomach just thinking about him.

I’m coming home early! We get a one week break because the tour bus broke down! I’ll see you tomorrow night ;) xx

You’re heart skipped a beat. Home early? You screamed to youself. You were finally going to be able to see him, hold him, kiss him.

OMG! That’s great! I can’t wait! I’m so excited to see you! :D When do you get in?

Your fingers flew over your keyboard faster than you ever thought possible. What were you going to when he got back? You had to do something special. I mean, you haven’t seen him in FOUR WHOLE MONTHS!

Dinner time ;) Flight is scheduled to land at 6:30 I should be at the flat by 6:45. xx

7:00. Dinner time. PERFECT! Niall loves food.

I can’t wait! I’ll see you then :) I love u! xx

You can’t go see him at the airport because management says it’s way too risky and that someone could find out.

I love u 2 babe :) getting on the plane now! I’ll text you when I land

Because of the time change it was still yesterday in America. You quickly thought of what you could do for dinner. There was always Nando’s. No, that was too predictable. AHA! You had seen an interview with the boys where they talked about their favorite members of BTR. Niall had said, “Kendall, for the food.” You had read later that Kendall had taken the boys out for Chinese food.

You immediately start looking up recipies. You decide on making egg rolls, fried won tons, and pork egg fu yung. Those sounded the most like Niall and they were fun to say. You made a list and went to the grocery store. You looked at your watch, 5 hours to go.

You had spent an hour at the supermarket trying to find everything. Chinese food wasn’t very popular in London so everything was harder to find. When you go back to the flat, you printed off the recipies and began cooking. You cooked for a good three and a half hours until you were done.

Hey babe :) we just landed, see you in about 10 min. xx

Your heart fluttered. Ten minutes. You set the table and poured the wine that you had found into two glasses. Right as you were making sure everything was perfect, there was a knock at the door. You jumped and immediately calmed down, only to get excited again, when you realized who it was.

You opened the door to that familiar Irishman. His face lit up right when he saw you and you jumped into his arms, pressing his lips to your own. Finally. You’d been waiting four months for that. He spun you around once before placing you back down on the ground and walking into the flat.

“It smells AMAZING in here! What are you-” he walked into the kitchen “CHINESE FOOD!” You heard pounding footsteps coming in your direction. Before you could register what was happening Niall wrapped you in one of his signature Horan hugs.

“Oh babe, how did you know?!” he asked excitedly.

“I do my research.” You replied cheekily. He kissed you once on the cheek and you both sat down to eat.

It was surprisingly good. Niall didn’t stop complimenting you on the food the entire time he was eating. When he had eaten, quite literally, everything, he reached across the table and grabbed your hand.

“I missed you so much.” He said as he gave your hand a loving squeeze.

“I missed you, too.” You said as you got lost in his light blue eyes.

You got up and collected the plates and went into the kitchen to clean up. You were putting the plates into the dishwasher when you felt two familiar and strong arms wrap around your waist.

You felt his soft lips on your shoulder, leaving a trail of small kisses up your neck.

“Niall, I’ve got to clean up the kitchen.” You say. He grunts in protest and spins you around so that you’re facing him.

“Niall…” You say like you’re telling him to stop, but you really don’t want him to.

He leans in and presses your foreheads together. “The kitchen can wait.” He says. You can feel his breath on your face, sending shivers down your spine. Your eyes involuntarily flicker from his to his lips and back. He smirks and leans in.

When his lips touch yours, fireworks go off and your entire body feels warm. Your lips immediately start moving in sync. His hands are on your waist and yours are playing with his light blonde hair. He lifts you up onto the counter and you pull him closer, not wanting to let him go.

Let’s just say you didn’t wake up to a clean kitchen

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