She's Not You

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This is for XJess4evaX!! She's AWESOME!!! You should totally go fan her! I hope you like it :D Sorry about the wait...

“Jessica hurry up!” Lottie yelled from downstairs. “You’re gonna be late for your date!” Jessica checked herself one more time in the mirror before walking down the stairs.

 She wore a simple outfit, it was only dinner and a movie. She had on a blue and white striped sweater, army green skinny jeans, and black pumps. She let her hair fall loosly around her shoulders, letting the waves bounce naturally.

She heard Lottie gasp when she got to the last step. “OMG you look PERFECT! AHH! Jake is gonna go CRAZY!" 

“What’s all the commotion out here?” She heard a familiar male voice yell.

“Jess has a date,” Lottie said as Louis walked out of the kitchen. He was looking down at his phone, probably texting some girl. The thought made Jessica’s heart sink to her feet.

Although Jessica had a date with Jake tonight, and don’t get me wrong Jake’s a great guy, she wished it was Louis she was going out with. She could never tell Lottie that though. Lottie would flip and it would probably ruin their friendship. That was a risk that Jessica wasn’t ready to take.

“Wow Jess. You look g-great.” She heard Louis say. His voice snapping her out of her trance. She couldn’t help but notice the red creeping to Louis’s cheeks as he stared at her.

“Louis, stop staring at Jess. She has a date already! And aren’t you going out with Eleanor tonight?”

Louis cleared his throat awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck, “Um yeah. We were gonna go see that new Katy Perry movie, then go out to dinner. What are you doing?” He asked, turning to Jessica.

Her hear almost stopped. She was doing the exact same thing. “We’re doing the same thing.”

“Maybe we should double!” Louis said a bit more enthusiastically then you would have thought, but this was Louis. He was just a hyper guy. Jessica didn’t give it a second thought. 

“Yeah that sounds cool! I bet Jake will be for it. Actually, I doubt if he’d care.”

“Great! Well then I guess I’ll meet you at the theater, yeah?”

“Yeah, sure!”

“Good,” Louis grabbed his car keys and his phone and walked out to the garage. As soon as his car pulled away, it was replaced by Jake’s.

Jessica and Lottie watched from the window as Jake killed the engine and got out of the car, making his way towards the front door.

“AH! OMG HE”S COMING!” Lottie screamed.

“Oh my god Lottie SHUSH! He might hear you!” And with that the doorbell rang.

“AHH!!” Lottie whisper-screamed. 

“Go open it!” Jessica whisper-yelled at her.

Lottie laughed and opened the door, “Hey Jake, how are you?" 

“I’m doing pretty good. How about you?”

“I’m doing well, but you aren’t here to see me.” She winked cheekily and opened the door wider, revealing Jessica.

“Wow Jess. You look g-great.” Jessica sighed. She had heard those words before, but now they didn’t have the same spark.

“Thank you! You don’t look to bad yourself.”

“Ha ha. Are you ready to go?”

“Yupp! See ya later Lottie!” She said as she walked out the door.

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