I'll Never Let You Go

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This Imagine is for 1DKaseyCarrots Cause she asked for it :D GO FAN HER RIGHT NOW!!! ENJOY!

Louis Tomlinson One Shot


You sit on your couch in your apartment with a warm cup of tea and your comfiest sweat pants. You grab the remote off of the coffee table and press the power button. You wait patiently as the old tv flashes to life and you begin your nightly ritual, channel surfing.

You quickly flip through the channels, only catching short bits of what’s on. You flick past E! news and do a double take. No. no way in hell that was him. You quickly type in the channel and you gasp when the picture appears on your screen.




Louis Tomlinson, your childhood best friend that never texted you after you moved to theUSwhen you were 14, is staring straight back at you. You blink once, making sure you’re seeing this right.

“And we will be inNew Yorktomorrow!” he says and thousands of girls scream.

New York. As in,New York,New York? That’s where you go to university. No. No no no no no no. This can NOT be happening.

You quickly turn off the tv and hurry to bed. Maybe this is all just a dream. Yeah, that’s it. Louis Tomlinson is NOT coming back into your life. He completely left you four years ago. There’s no way in hell he even remembers you.

You sigh as you let sleep take over.


You wake up and go through your normal routine, almost robotically. You grab your keys and walk downstairs. You turn the corner and enter your favorite Starbucks. You smile at the barista as she immediately starts to make your usual. Bold roast with two sugars.

You pay for your enthusiasm-in-a-cup and check your watch. You’ve got a good hour before class, considering you beat the morning Starbucks rush. You sat down at one of the tables with the latest New York Times. And, of course, One Direction is on the front page. You almost spit out your coffee at the caption.

“One Direction, the biggest boy band on the planet (from left) Liam Payne 18, Niall Horan 18, Zayn Malik 19, Harry Styles 18 and Louis Tomlinson 20, are in New York this week for a much anticipated performance on the Today show and are said to be on a “Mission”. See ‘Boy Band’ on D3.

You quickly flip to the article and begin to read. “Member Louis said, “I’m here to find one thing I’ve been missing for a while now. It would mean a lot to me to get it back.” What that one thing is, we don’t know, Tomlinson wouldn’t say. Whatever it is, there are thousands of teenage girls out searching for it, or hoping they have it.”

Your mouth hung agape and you almost dropped your coffee. Was he looking for you? No. No way. You moved toNorth Carolina. Why the hell would he be looking for you inNew York? No. He’s probably looking for a slut to hook up with. You scoffed and folded up the paper.

You check your watch again. Shit! You’re gonna be late! You scramble out of the shop and start down the street. As you’re about round the corner, you drop your keys. You reach down to pick them up. As soon as you stand back up, you feel something crash into you. Hard.

You fall right onto your back, knocking the wind out of your lungs and smacking the back of your head on the pavement.

“Oh shit,” you hear a familiar voice say. Then it all goes black.


You wake up in a bed. You stretch out, moving your legs aground and expecting to find the end of your twin XL bed in your dorm. But, you don’t find it. You feel the sheets. They’re so much silkier than you remember. Ok. That’s weird. You don’t have silk sheets.

You roll over and are met by something warm. You immediately shoot up and scream, causing a very large wave of pain to come sweeping over you. You groan and fall back onto the pillows; unnaturally fluffy pillows, you might add. You feel the bed shift beside you and you shoot up again, ignoring the pain.

Where the hell are you? You look at the figure in the bed.

No way in hell.


“WHATTHEHELLISGOINGONINHERE?!” You hear an Irish accent scream as the door busts open.

Ohmahgod. That’s Niall Horan. He’s accompanied by three other boys.





You’re standing in One Direction’s hotel. Specifically Louis Tomlinson’s bedroom. Before you can stop yourself, the world goes black again.


When you open your eyes you see five anxious-looking boys hovering above you. You open your mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. Well, one comes out. But it doesn’t sound human.

Then all of the boys are doubled over in laughter. You groan and push yourself into a sitting position. You rub your eyes and stand up.  When you open them again, Louis is standing in front of you.

His hand reaches out and touches you cheek. You shiver. What? Shiver? It’s Louis! NO! That didn’t just happen. His hand goes into your hair and he runs his fingers gingerly over the bump on your head. You wince at the pain, but don’t say anything.

Louis’s eyes go from the bump on your to yours. His eyes are filled with concern and worry. They’re so blue. You get lost in them.

His hand goes from the bump on your head to the back of your neck and he begins to lean forward. You expect him to kiss you and you let your eyes flutter shut. Yes, this is what you want. Louis, finally. Maybe he doesn’t remember you, but he wants you now.

Instead of feeling his lips on yours, you feel them on your ear. Your breath catches in your throat as you hear him say, “Long time, no see.”

Holy shit. He really does remember you. Happiness bubbles up in your stomach. Then he begins to kiss your neck. He finds your sweet spot and you moan and pull him closer. He sucks and bites at the skin, leaving a mark, and works his way up to your face.

Right before his lips touch yours, he stops. “Did you really think I forgot about you?” he asks. Pain and sorrow laced in his words. You nod slightly. “Well, I didn’t. In all of those four years, I never went a day without wishing I had done this. And with that, he kissed you.

It was a sweet kiss. A cautious kiss. But it soon turned hungry. This is exactly what both of you had wanted all these years. His hands were on your waist and yours were wrapped around his neck and tangled in his hair. His tongue ran over your bottom lip and you granted him access, almost too quickly.  He smirked into the kiss and pulled you closer to him, closing any distance that was between you.

You broke when the kiss when you thought your lungs were going to explode. You were both panting heavily and he pressed your foreheads together. “I could never forget you. I’m never letting you go. I promise.” He said and he gave you a quick peck on the lips.

He kept his promise for the rest of your lives.

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