Pigtails and Pink Dresses

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This one shot is for Miss_Jane_Doe. She's an awesome writer and she so much fun to talk to! GO FAN HER!!

 Zayn Malik One Shot

“Jane! Let’s GO!” Jane’s older brother shouted. “We’re gonna be late!”

Jane came bounding down the stairs, “Calm your tits! I’m here, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

Jane jumped into the passenger seat of her brother’s Jeep and he sped out of the drive way. “Jesus Niall! Slow down before you get us both killed!” She said as she gripped the side of the car.

“If we’re late picking Zayn he’ll kill me!” Jane laughed at this. One, because it totally wasn’t true; Zayn would never hurt Niall. Two, because whenever someone brought up his name she couldn’t help but smile. Jane had liked Zayn for as long as they could remember.

Jane remembered when she was at school, she was the second grade, Niall was in 4th, and she remembered seeing a big 5thgrader come up to Niall. He was really tall, and Niall, well Niall wasn’t. She saw the big kid grab a hold of Niall’s shirt and pull his arm back. Even though she was only in second grade, she knew what was going to happen. She screamed and she saw another boy come up behind the bully and jumped onto his back. The boy had dark brown, almost black, hair and was wearing a varsity jacket. 

She ran over to Niall, who was now laying on the ground crying. She pulled him into a hug and when she looked up, the dark haired boy was pounding the other boy’s face in. Jane watched as the boy kept hitting the bully. Then a teacher walked up and pulled the two boys apart. She watched as the boy was dragged into the principle’s office.

The honk of Niall’s horn was what brought Jane back to reality. She shook herself from the memory as the familiar dark haired boy came closer to the car. He smiled at her brightly and she smiled back, trying to hide her blush.

“How are you today, Jane?” Zayn asked. He stood above her with his arm on the seat head behind her. She could smell his cologne.

“Pretty good. How about you, Malik?"

“Could be better. Someone’s in my seat,” he smirked.

“Whatever do you mean?” she asked cheekily.

“You know exactly what I mean,” he said as he reached over her, unbuckled her seat belt, and scooped her up all in one swift motion. Before Jane could register what was going on, Zayn had picked her up and slid into the passenger seat. She was on his lap and his arm was snaked around her waist.

Jane’s nerves went haywire. She felt tingles at the extremely close proximity between the two of them. She felt Zayn’s arm leave her waist and she immediately felt cold. It returned a mere second later and the seatbelt was strapped across her lap. Zayn’s arm was around her waist again.

“Safety never takes a break,” he said as he snapped the seat belt into the clasp. Jane giggled. “Drive Niall.” Zayn said.

Niall changed the car to drive and started to back out of the driveway. Halfway down the street, Jane felt Zayn’s other arm around her waist and he pulled her closer protectively. She felt his chin on her shoulder, his warm breath on her neck. She shivered. Shit.

“Are you cold?” Zayn whispered in her ear. His voice sounded oddly… seductive? No, that can’t be it. Zayn didn’t like her. He couldn’t like her. No. No way.

She felt Zayn shift, so his chin was on her other shoulder and Niall couldn’t see him. “Need me to warm you up?” Ok. He was definitely using his “sexy” voice, as he liked to call it. Jane reached back and slapped him upside the head and he started laughing.

Of course. Of course he was kidding. He didn’t like her like that.

“You guys are weird,” Niall said. 

“Your just jealous,” Zayn replied.

Niall scoffed, “Yeah right. First off, that’s my sister. Second, you guys aren’t a couple. But, I’ve gotta admit, you guys would be pretty cute together.” He said with his eyes still on the road.

Jane blushed, thanking God that Zayn was behind her and Niall wasn’t paying any attention.

Niall pulled into the parking lot of their high school and put the car in park. He unhooked his seatbelt and got out of the car, grabbing his backpack out of the back seat. “You guys coming?” 

Jane laughed when she realized that she and Zayn hadn’t moved. “We’ll be there in a sec,” she heard Zayn say from behind her.

“Be safe,” Niall said as he walked away. Jane blushed again.

When Niall was out of earshot, Zayn unbuckled the seat belt but didn’t remove his hands from Jane’s waist. Jane turned to face him. He looked stressed.

“What’s up Zayn?” she asked, concerned.

“Have you ever liked someone, but you know they could never like you back?”

Jane scoffed at this, “Yeah, I have."

“What are you supposed to do?”

Jane took a deep breath, she hated answering Zayn’s girl questions. She knew he was NEVER talking about her. “Tell her how you feel. You never know. She could feel the same way. And, if you don’t ask, you’ll just make yourself paranoid wondering what her answer would’ve been.”

She heard him take a deep breath, “Jane, I- I umm…”

“Yes?” she asked. She didn’t know why, but she felt a strange warmth in the pit of her stomach. The kind that only came when something really good was about to happen.

“I- I like you. No. I love you. I have since that day I kicked that kid’s ass for trying to hurt Niall. You came running over to him with your pigtails and that pink dress.”

Jane sat there, frozen. Holy. Shit. He did NOT just say that. She couldn’t get herself to say anything.

“Oh god. I knew it, you don’t feel the same way. I- I…forget I said anything,” He said as he started to push her off of his lap. Jane panicked. No. She felt the EXACT same way! How could she prove it to him?

Before she knew what she was doing, she grabbed the sides of his face and connected her lips to his. He was frozen for a second, but soon started to kiss her back. Jane shifted so that she was straddling him, his hands were still on her waist. She felt his tongue on her bottom lip and she opened her mouth, granting him entrance

They broke apart when they felt like their lungs were about to explode. Jane rested her forehead on Zayn’s. “I love you too,” she said breathlessly.

Zayn leaned in for another kiss. Right before their lips touched, the bell rang. They both went wide eyed and shot out of the car, grabbing their bags on the way. They began running towards the school. Halfway through the parking lot, Zayn reached out and grabbed Jane’s hand. Entangling his fingers in hers. Jane smiled broadly at him.

When they got to the door of the school Zayn stopped, causing Jane to stop too. She looked at him with a confused expression. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, looking right into her eyes.

“Yes,” she said as he pulled her in for a quick kiss.

They walked into school together that day.

They walked out of school together that day.

They walk through life together, every day.

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