BY @_justbeyou_

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OK so this was written by @_justbeyou_  for ME but she had to delete her one shots :( so Im putting it here!

Yes Ive talked to her

no this isn't copyright

do NOT comment that it is or i will become incredibly pissed off.

You have been warned.


"Lauren? Lauren, wake up," a familiar voice crooned.

I groaned and flipped onto my stomach, pulling my duvet over my head.

I heard a chuckle, "C'mon now, Lauren. You need to get up. You have a big today, with your volleyball game and your violin concert."

"Don't remind me."

I felt hands slowly shake my shoulders, "Let's go Lauren, up and at 'um."

I peeked out from the duvet, "Who even says that any more?"

"Apparently me," a beautiful face smiled back at me.

I slipped my face back into the darkness and the blanket started to get pulled off my body. "Louis, stop." I mumbled, put the pulling came harder. "Louis, stop," I said a bit louder. He pulled the duvet off. "Louis!" I said, shielding my eyes from the blinding light.

"C'mon, love. You need to get ready."

I groaned again and rolled out of my bed, sliding on my glasses, "How'd you get in here anyway?"

"Long story, and woah. You wear glasses?"

I crossed my eyes, trying to look at my frames, "Last time I checked, yes I do."

Louis smiled at me, "Learn something new about you everyday. Anyway, time to go get ready! I set up the shower for you, along with your volleyball uniform."

I raised a sleepy eyebrow, "Okay, how long have you been here?"

He shrugged, " A few hours, why?"

"A few hours!?" I screeched, going into my bathroom and hopping into the shower. I heard the bathroom door open and close.


I heard the toliet lid close and I peeked out, seeing Louis had made himself comfy on the toliet lid.

"And why?" I asked, soaping up.

"Just wanted to make sure you had a good start on the day."

"And how were you going to manage to do that?"

"Showing you my beautiful face, of course!"

I snorted, "Yeah, perfect way to start my day."

"I know you love me, Lauren."

I froze. Did he find out? He was there for awhile. Did he find my posters of him? Or even worse, find and read my diary. "Yeah, right," I said, trying to play it off.

"You lie."

"I don't lie."

"Then how do you explain you saying, 'Louis, I love you', 'Louis, love me back' in your sleep.

I narrowed my eyes as I rinsed and mumbled, "Crap," as I realized I was having a dream about Louis.

"You also said some other things, but I won't mention those."

I sighed, "Wow, Louis, real mature."

I heard him laugh and I turned off the water, reaching outside the curtain, grabbing a soft, purple towel.

I wrapped it around my body and opened the curtain, stepping out. "Okay, leave. I'm getting dressed."

Louis stood up and smirked, "Fine. And just for the record, love you do. But you wanna know the difference between loving each other? Not do I only dream about it, but I say it, and have enough guts to do this." He leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine for a quick second before sprinting out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I stood, frozen. Holy crap. Louis Tomlinson, the boy I dream about - literally! - kissed me. What a dream come true.


For Lauren AKA @live_out_loud

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