This Is Crazy

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Harry Styles One-Shot


You’re sitting in class, staring out the window. Tonight is the night of the One Direction concert in your town. Too bad you don’t have tickets. You heaved a sigh and muted out everything around you as you day dreamed about the concert.

You invision a mop of curls passing right outside your window. He stops when he sees you and walks over to the window. He comes over and taps on the window, shaking you from your trance. You sit up straight and shake you head, but the image doesn’t go away. Wait, what?!

That means, THE Harry Styles, is standing outside YOUR classroom window.

He smiles at you and holds up his index finger, motioning you to hold on a second. Moments later there is a knock at your classroom door. Everyone sits up a little straighter, thinking its probably the principal doing his runs around the school. You teacher gets up and opens the door and five boys walk into the room. Yes, THOSE five boys.

“Sorry to interrupt your class today sir,” Liam says.

“But we really need to talk to one of your students,” Zayn adds.

“Who do you need to speak with?”

Harry grabs the seating chart and looks around the room. His eyes lock with yours, “Cathrine.”

You blush bright red as everyone in your class begins whispering and you look around to see your best friend’s eyes locked with Niall’s. You smirk at the bitch who has hated since first grade and get up.

“Oh and grab all your stuff ‘cause you’re not coming back,” Louis says, crossing his arms in front of him.

“Can my friend join us?” You ask, batting your eyelashes at Harry.

“Who’s your friend?”

You point to the girl whose gaze is still locked with Niall’s. Harry nods and you walk over to her, “C’mon. Grab your shit and leys go,” you whisper in her ear. She nods and silently grabs her things.

You exit the class room and walk down the hallway and out the front doors. You text your mom telling her that you’re hanging out with friends after school so she doesn’t get worried.

“Hey Paul!” Harry says. Waving to a man next to a black SUV.

“Who are your friends?” He asks, quirking an eyebrow at you and your friend.

“This is Emily!” Niall says quickly.

“Cathrine,” Harry says, swinging and arm loosely over your shoulders.

You and Harry share the back seat with Zayn. Louis, Niall and Emily are in the second row; and Liam is riding shotgun.

“So are you guys coming to the concert tonight?” Liam asks, turning around to face everyone.

“No,” you say solemnly. “We weren’t able to get tickets.”

“Well you’re in luck,” Niall says. You giggle a bit. Luck. He’s Irish. You get it? No? Oh… ok.

“You can come backstage with us,” Zayn says.

“Wow thanks guys! That’s awesome!” You say, trying not to sound too excited.

“We all know you want to squeal. Thank you for holding it in,” Harry whispers in your ear, causing you to shiver.

“You cold?” he asks and wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.

You nod, even though you aren’t, and snuggle closer.

“We’re here boys,” Paul said, throwing the car in park.

“LET’S GO!” Louis shouted, jumping on Zayn’s back. Emily jumped on Niall’s back and you jumped on Harrys. Liam jumped on Paul’s but Paul threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and didn’t let go.

“On your  mark, get set, GO!!” Louis shouted. Then Niall, Zayn and Harry took off running.

You and Harry won and Zayn and Louis lost because Zayn almost lost his pants. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. Harry grabbed your hand and kept walking. He stopped in fromt of a room.

“Should we show them boys?”

They all nodded and you shared a scared glance with your best friend. Harry came up behind you and covers your eyes. Niall does the same to Emily. You hear a door open and you walk forward into a room. Harry’s hands leave your face and you gasp.

The room s filled with clothes and make up. Even Lou was there.

“Okay, you girls get ready. We have three hours. Meet us in the Green Room. See you before the show,” Liam says and they all rush out of the room.

“They’re so weird,” you mumble under your breath.

“I know,” Lou adds.

You pick out your outfits and Lou does your hair. You put on your make up and Lou leaves to go help the boys.

“This is crazy!” Emily says as she plops down on the couch.

“We’ve got 20 minutes until they’re ready. Do you want to just go to the Green Room now?” you ask, looking at your phone.

Emily shrugs, “Sure.”

You walk down the hall and go into the Green Room. There are three girls already in it. They look up at you and you both stop dead in your tracks.

“Hey! I’m Danielle! This is Eleanor and Perrie! You must be Cathrine and Emily. Liam said Niall and Harry won’t shut up about you.”

You both giggle and blush. “I’m Cathrine and this is Emily. It’s really nice to meet all of you.”

You sit down on the couch and talk for the remaining 20 minutes. Then the door swings open.




All of the boys run over to their girlfriends. Zayn planted a long kiss on Perrie’s lips, Liam’s face was snuggled into Danielle’s neck, and Louis was spinning Eleanor around in a circle and their eyes were locked and they were laughing.

Harry came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Come with me,” he whispered in your ear. You nodded as he lead you out into the corridor.

“Look Cathrine, I know I just met you, and this is crazy. But you’re amazing, so be my girlfriend maybe?” he said and smirked.

You laughed and nodded. He leaned in and closed the gap between you.

That was the first of many kisses you shared during your long lives together.

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