I Didn't Catch Your Name

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Niall Horan One Shot

Claud and her friends walked down the street. They were talking and being the giddy teenage girls they are. But they were extra giddy today. Why, you might ask? Tonight was the One Direction 3D movie premier; and rumour has it, One Direction was in their town. So, they were on their way to the store to pick up a few snacks to sneak into the theater, since everything was SUPER overpriced.

They walked into the supermarket and were to busy giggling and talking to realize there really wasn’t anyone else there. Hwy? The world may never know.

The girls walked to the candy aisle and began to pick out a bunch of stuff. Twizzlers, Sour Patch Kids, M&M’s, Reese’s Pieces. Pretty much the entire aisle. Claud was on popcorn duty. The popcorn was on the other side of the store. She and her best friend broke away from the group and walked over to the chip aisle.

Both these girls were quieter than the others. Still very excited about the movie, but not screaming their heads off. Sure, they would have their fangirl moment tonight, but they were saving their energy.

When they were halfway to the chip isle, Claud finally took notice that there was no one in the store. “Where is everybody? Usually there’s more people here…” she trailed off. Her friend simply shrugged.

Even though they were on the other side of the store, they could still hear their other friends laughing and screaming. Yes. Screaming. In a supermarket. Oh what those five boys do to us, Claud thought to herself. She turned the corner down the chip aisle and walked over to the popcorn with her friend.

“Can we PLEASE get some chicken? I’m STARVING!” a certain irish boy whined, clutching his stomach dramatically.

“Come off it Niall,” a Bradford accent replied.

“I will not ‘come off it’ Zayn! I’m hungry!”

“You’re always hungry.”

They walked through the isle in silence for a while. Niall stopping at every other item and putting it in the cart. Zayn stopping at every other item to put it back. They went along with this routine, alone with their own thoughts until they heard the all to familiar chatter of teenage girls.

Soon three more boys came around the corner.

“Guys, we need to get out of here.” A certain brunette stated in a fatherly way.

“Thank you captain obvious,” a Cheshire boy snapped.

The brunette glared at the Cheshire boy. A feathery haired lad stepped in between that. “Thank you for enlightening us on the situation Liam,” he said turning to the brunette. “Harry don’t be rude.” He jokingly scolded the Chesire boy.

“But Lou-“ Harry started.

“No butt’s Harry.”

“Just your’s.” Harry mumbled, but loud enough that the other boys could here.

They broke into laughter, only to be shushed by Liam. As they regained their composure, they moved away from the chattering girls until they found themselves in the chip isle. Much to their surprise, they found two QUIET girls looking at the popcorn. They were pretty girls, and didn’t seem annoying.

Assuming they were fans, the boys decided to stay in the isle and hopefully make their day.

“What about this one Claud? It’s only 99 cents.”

“Sure. I’ll go look down here.” Claud turned her head and was greeted by five very handsome boys. She smiled politely and quietly turned to her friend, tugging on her sleeve and whispering in her ear, “onedirectionisstandingoverthere.”

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