IKYWT - 22

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I drove down the road as rain beat down on the concrete outside, and I began to cry. 'Erica, stop it. You're better than this.' I thought. I wiped my tears and continued to drive. I had no clue where I was going or where I'd end up. But as long as I'm away from Ross, his family, my family, and anyone else who has anything to do with him, I'm alright.

I got on the interstate and started driving faster. I turned on some music to distract myself.

"So call me may-"

"God no."

I switched to the next station...

"I'm gonna pop some tags, Only got-"


To the next station...

"Could we pretend that airplanes-"

"Oh definitely not."

And to the next station....

It was on commercial, so I just left it there, and continued to drive.

It started pouring down rain as I sat in traffic. My phone buzzed, and I pulled over and looked at it. Ross.

R: Just because it's over between us and I'm PISSED at you.. Where are you? Your mom is worried.

So I typed back 'Tell my mother I'm fine, that I'll be home tomorrow. And Ross, why would I tell you where I am when I'm trying to get away from YOU?! Whatever. Go screw yourself, jackass."

I pressed send, and continued driving. I took an exit off the expressway and into a little town probably just north of Northridge. While driving around trying to find a place to stay for the night, the song "Highway Don't Care" came on and I immediately thought of Ross. Finally I couldn't take it, I swerved off the road and began to cry. The front of my car had been pretty dented from running into a fence, but I didn't care. I sobbed as I thought about him. My phone buzzed again. I looked at it.

R: "I could care less you dirty cheating skank, but your mom won't leave me alone so I might as well get her off my back. Hope you get lost and never come back."

I cried again. How had my life become so messed up?! It wasn't until I stopped crying when I realized how bad the swerve off the road had been. The fence bent in, over the car, which was VERY dented, the front bumper fell off, the windshield was shattered, with a bit of the fence sticking though, and the steering wheel was smushed in towards my stomach. I examined myself a bit - my pants had a huge rip down the right thigh, and there was a gash that was bleeding like crazy under it, my left arm had a shard or two of glass in it that killed, and when I looked in my mirror , my forehead was dripping blood too. "Oh god.." I whispered to myself. I began to feel desperate, so I picked up my phone and called Ross. (R - Ross E - Erica)

R: What do you want?!

E: Ross - Ross listen to me. Don't tell my mother, but I got in an accident and it's really bad, and Ross - it really hurts. Help me, please!

R: Woah - wait, you got in an accident?!

E: Yes! Now please please come help me! I'll explain later!

R: Erica - where are you?

E: I-I don't know, I'm in a town somewhere north of your house... Somewhere in Malibu maybe?!"

R: Uhhhh you have that phone tracker thing, right?

E: Yeah, why?!

R: What's the code?!

E: It's ***-****

R: Okay this will help me find you. I'm on my way!

*End of call*

Ross showed up almost an hour later. I heard a car squeak and pull over. Then I heard screams and yells of "There she is!!!" And "OH MY GOD - ERICA?!" And it all started to jumble together... My vision got blurry and everything just started swirling together like watercolor paints, and my hearing was tuning in and out like a radio with bad reception. I saw (through my blurry vision) Ross running towards me, until he finally reached me. "Oh god, Erica! Are you alright?!" I didn't answer, I just looked around at everything - as if I were on drugs or something. "RIKER! GUYS! GUYS, SHE'S HURT HELP ME!" He yelled to the car. Suddenly I saw the others running towards me too. Riker and Ryland pushed back the steering wheel that was crushing me, while Ross and Rocky picked me up and got me out. Ross held me, while Rocky ran to their car and grabbed some things. Rocky came back with a little mattress with blankets, and a first aid kit. They laid me down on the mattress and immediately huddled around me.

Riker and Rocky worked with the cut on my head - disinfecting/cleaning and covering the small cut, Rydel and Ryland worked to get the glass out of my arm and clean it up, and Ross worked with my leg. After a moment, Ross said "Alright.. I'm gonna need to take your pants off to clean the cut.." I just threw my hand (the one that wasn't being worked on) in the air and said "Go for it." So he slid my pants off, and began helping me.

I guess I must have passed out, because I woke up in a new place - a room with bright lights and new sounds. I was at a hospital. Again.

I looked around. A doctor was standing next to a table writing something down. I cleared my throat as a sign that I was up. She quickly turned around. "Ah! You're up! I'll go get the family!" She exclaimed. I nodded. A moment later the Lynches came in and surrounded me. I was pounded with questions and lectures immediately. "You guys - uh, guys - stop.. - HEY!!!!!!!!" I yelled. Everyone got quiet. "Look. I'm not sure how much you all heard, so I'll just start from the beginning. Riker kissed me, and then Ross found out, Ross decided that instead of letting me tell him what happened - he was gonna be a priss and tell me to get out, so I started driving, and I got a text from Ross, and I realized that what we had was really over between us... And that I'd never felt so strongly towards anyone and without him, I would die. And I meant to pull over, but I lost control and swerved off the road and obviously hit the fence..." I explained. Everyone was quiet. Finally Mark said "Ross, why didn't you just let her explain?!" He asked. "She didn't need to explain - I knew what happened and that was that." He said coldly. "I don't know who you've become anymore, Ross. We'll talk about this later." He hissed under his breath. Stormie came closer to me, and kissed my forehead. "I'm just glad you're okay, honey." She whispered. "Thank you, Mrs. Lynch." I whispered back. When I looked back at the others I noticed Ross was gone. "Where's Ross?" I asked. "He left." Riker mumbled. "To go where?" I asked. "Home." Rocky answered. That was it. I sat up, and got out of my bed, and was determined to chase after him. But then I felt a sharp pain in my leg. "AH!" I yelped as I fell to the floor, clutching my leg. Again, everyone rushed to my side. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Riker yelled. "I'm going to get Ross back." I said sternly. "You're not going anywhere! You can't leave!" Riker exclaimed. Rydel stood up and started walking off. "And where do you think you're going?" Ryland asked, clearly upset. "If she can't go bring Ross back, then I will. Have all of you lost your minds? All she wants is Ross right now. Why aren't we trying to get that?" She asked us all, before running out of the room.

About 30 minutes later, Rydel returned with Ross. I, of course, was still laying in bed after the Lynches helped me back up and everything. "You two need to work this out. Now." Rydel said. Ross rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Not likely." But he sat down on the couch next to my bed anyways. The family all walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. After a moment of silence Ross finally said "Alright. Well this is bullsh*t, so I'm getting out of here." I just looked at him and shrugged. He walked to the door, but came back a moment later. "Why are you still here?" I asked. "They locked the door." Ross complained. I just looked at him, disgusted. "Would you at least let me explain?!" I cried. "EXPLAIN WHAT?! What is there to say?! You kissed Riker, and that's that." He sneered. "Yes I did. I did kiss Riker. But you know why? Because I felt sorry! He'd always done SO much for me, and when he kissed me, I felt like I needed to repay him. So I went along with it. And I regret it more than anything." I explained. "That was the stupidest excuse I've ever heard." He laughed. I sighed. "But it was true." I said, innocently. His face suddenly went from angry, to smiling. He came over and kissed me. I was officially confused. "What? I don't understand." He just shook his head "It's a Loooooong story." He laughed.


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