I Knew You Were Trouble Ch. 18

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I was talking to Kirsten (remember her? My co-star and BFF?) while Ross was in the bathroom explaining why I was so stressed out. After I finished explaining what happened last time, she looked at me and said "So that's why you were at the park.... Ohhhh..." I laughed. I was so nervous. I saw Laura earlier, but so far she hasn't bothered me any. I saw Ross walking through the crowd of people, back towards me. "Hey, I'm back!" He interrupted, while putting his arm around my waist. "Hi." I said, looking down, trying to act brave. He looked at Kirsten. "Could you give us a moment please? We'll be right back." He explained. She nodded and we walked off. Ross and I walked into a closet we found at the back of the building. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing." I lied. "Erica, I've known you since we were tiny. I know when something is wrong, and I know when you're lying to me. Please, spill." He said. "Okay, fine. I didn't even want Raini to have this party, because I'm traumatized from her last party. And now that we're at this party.... Ross, I'm freaking out." I explained. He held my face inches from him. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?" He whispered. I nodded. He began to kiss me. Gently, but passionately. This boy was amazing. His soft lips were pressed against mine, and his strong hands were holding my head. I love him so much. I really do. Just then the door swung open. I pulled away and looked to see a very angry looking Laura. She screamed at us, and walked away. Ross started laughing. "I am so.... So.... Done with her." He laughed. I nodded. He kissed me again.

About 15 minutes had passed, and the room began to feel very hot. No, the whole building was hot. We walked back out to the crowd to see if it was just us, being hot... It wasn't. "Is something burning?" Ross asked me. I shrugged. I smelled the burning too, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. The room was becoming smokey. "FIRE!!!! FIRE!!! THERE'S A FIRE! EVERYONE EVACUATE THE BUILDING!!!!!!" Someone yelled. People were panicking all around us. Ross and I began to run, trying to push through the crowd. He slipped through, but I was caught in the mess of people. I didn't know anyone in this group or anything. People where pushing, shoving, and shmushing other people just trying to get out. Where was big, buff Ross when you needed him? Someone pushed me to the back, I was now behind EVERYONE. The room was very hot and very smokey now. I could hardly breathe, much less see. As the last person before me got out of the big party room, part of the wooden balcony fell, blocking the door. I was trapped. I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe........ I was stuck.... I was gonna die.

*Ross POV*

I made it outside from the building, safely and watched as more people poured out of it. No where to be seen was Erica. Erica. As the last person shuffled out, I still didn't see her. She couldn't have gotten stuck could she? The loud screams of people, and the frantic shuffling of people was endless. I ran towards the building. Raini's mom stopped and pulled me back. "What are you doing?!?!" She asked, scared. "Erica. My girlfriend. She's in there." I explained. "No sweetie, everyone is out. The firemen are on their way. It's alright." She said. I pulled away from her grip. I freaked out. I wasn't losing Erica. Not like this. "NO. ERICA IS IN THERE AND I KNOW IT. I'M GONNA SAVE HER IF ITS THE LAST DAMN THING I DO! SO STOP WITH YOUR 'CALM DOWN' SHIT, BECAUSE I KNOW SHE'S IN THERE AND SHE F**** NEEDS ME!!!" I screamed. "Ross, no, you'll die!" Raini screeched. "I'd rather die with her than live without her." I said, and i turned around and ran into the building. The building was so smokey that I couldn't see anything. It was hot too. I pulled off my shirt, now that I was sweating. "ERICA?!" I yelled. I heard a little noise, coming from the party room. I tried opening the door, but it wouldn't. I grabbed something heavy and banged against it, busting it open. "ERICA?!" I yelled again. I heard a moan near me, I ran until I made out the shape of the body. There she was. She was laying on the ground. Her eyes were squinted, she was sweating, and she was all dirty with brush from the falling things. I picked up her body in my arms. "Erica?" I whispered. I started to cry. She closed her eyes. "Erica! Please no! Don't do this! Don't die. You can't die. The firemen, they'll be here any minute. They're gonna come rescue us... And we're gonna make it and-" I was cut off by my tears. Her body felt limp, and her eyes were shut. I laid my head on hers and cried. We laid there. I could feel myself slowly starting to lose oxygen too. I was overheated, and light-headed. I felt like every move I made, I was lifting 400 pounds. Things were falling down all around us, and I couldn't see anything. I closed my eyes, and everything went black.

I opened my eyes to daylight {literally} and realized I was on a stretcher. I looked around. Erica was on a stretcher beside me, with an oxygen mask on her face. People were all watching us, some freaking out, others just stood silently. I'd done it. I'd saved Erica. Sort of. I knew that if I hadn't gone back, she'd be stuck in there for much longer, and she'd be dead by now. I had saved her. I smiled a little, and watched as the men lifted her into the ambulance. They closed the doors and rushed off. I was lifted into an ambulance too, where I saw my mom waiting for me. She had tears in her eyes. "Oh my baby!!!!! I'm so glad you're alright!" She cried. I held her hand and smiled. "I love you, Mom." I said. She started crying, and rubbing my hand. "I love you too, Honey. I love you too," She said back. "And we're gonna make sure you and Erica are alright. I promise." She continued. I nodded. She kissed my forehead. I smiled, and felt a tear running down my face as well. The rest of the ride was silent, but I knew that we were both considering ourselves lucky. And I was lucky. It may not seem like it, but I was. I was as lucky as lucky could be.

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