IKYWT - 21

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The next day Ross was supposed to be at the Austin and Ally set by 5 AM until 3 PM. Looooong day. So I told him that since I didn't have anything to do anyways, I would hang out with Riker.

It was around 10 AM. I got up, and got ready. No makeup, but curled hair and a sweater with jeans and boots. I walked out of Ross and I's room and walked upstairs, where I ran into Riker. His hair was messy, like he'd just stumbled out of bed, and he was in sweats and a blue v-neck. "Hey, Sleepy head!" I greeted with a laugh. "Oh hey, Erica. You're up early." He yawned. I looked at my phone for the time, and laughed when I saw what time it was. "Riker. It's almost noon." I corrected. "Is it really? Dang." He almost whined. I giggled a little. I smiled at him, and walked to their living room. We sat down on the couch, and decided to pop in a movie. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go find us some snacks.... Feel free to pull out a movie." He said as he left the room. Looking, I finally found "Juno", ya know, the one about the girl who ends up pregnant and... Yeah. I pulled it out of the case and put it in the player. I waited for a moment, then sat back down on the couch. I started to smell something cooking, burning almost. "Riker? You alright?" I yelled to him. "Yeah, hang on...." He yelled back. I heard something being poured, then a second later he walked into the room with a big bowl of popcorn, and a box of cookies. I laughed. "If your goal is to make me fat, boy, it's gonna work. I'm setting you in charge of cutting me off. If I don't, I'll become a whale." I said, sarcastically. "Shut up. You're a twig. You're fine." He answered. He looked at the TV screen. "Ah, Juno.... I love this one. It's cute." He smiled. "Isn't it? It's one of my favorites!" I laughed. He sat down on the couch next to me as the movie started. Although I'm dating Ross, it's fine if I snuggle up with Riker.... Right?

"I just need to know that two people can stay happy together forever..." I heard the movie say. I looked up at Riker, who had little tears in his eyes. I giggled. "You are such a girl inside, Riker!" I laughed. He wiped his eyes. "Am not!" He defended. I gave him a look and said "mhmm... Sure." Then we both started laughing. But the next moment was a blur. I was looking at him, and next thing I know his lips were crashed up against mine. 'STOP. Stop.' I yelled at myself. But I didn't listen. I kissed back. We laid back, and he climbed on top of me, softly groaning through the kiss. Finally I broke away. I ran my hands through his hair and laid them on his shoulder. "Stop. Riker, stop. This is wrong." I whispered. He looked at me, with hurt in his eyes. "Yeah.... Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." He whispered. He kissed my forehead and climbed off of me. He sat back down on the couch and sat silent. "I'm tired of watching this movie." He said. I nodded. "Yeah... Me too." I forced out. He grabbed the remote and flipped off the TV. We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Ross came in, breaking our silence. "Hey guys! I'm home. And boy do I need to talk to you." He greeted. If only he'd known what just happened. He'd be broken. I couldn't look at him. I just couldn't. But I did. His smile melted me. He came over and sat down with us. "How are you guys?" He asked. Both Riker and I kind of mumbled out an answer. Ross nodded, awkwardly, and sat silent. Finally he asked, "So, can we talk?" "Sure..." I responded. He stood up off the couch. "Look. You two are really close. VERY close, and I know that. But with how much time you've spent together, it's making me feel uncomfortable. I just don't want you guys spending that much time together, you know?" He explained. I nodded, then looked over at Riker. His face was red. And I mean RED. He was getting angry. Finally he just snapped. "WELL YOU'RE NOT THE OBLY ONE WITH FEELINGS FOR HER! FOR GOD'S SAKE ROSS, WE KISSED!" He yelled. My eyes widened as I heard the words escape his mouth. Ross's face fell. He went pale as the first tear fell down his cheek. "Is this true?" He asked me. "Ross, I -" I started. His face turned red, like Riker's. "ERICA. IS THIS TRUE?!?! DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT GO BEHIND MY BACK WITH MY OWN BROTHER?!?! GOD. YOU JUST CAN'T STOP CAN YOU?!?! THIS IS DISGUSTING. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled at me. I closed my eyes. I couldn't break. Not right now. I sighed. "Yes. Riker and I kissed..." I mumbled out. "WHAT?!" He yelled. "Yes. We kissed." I choked out, more clearly. He shook his head and wiped his tears. "Get out." He said. My head shot up. "What?" I asked, panicked. "Get out. You're a lying, cheating, worthless skank. You're not worth my time. I don't EVER want to see you again. Get out. GET OUT!" He demanded. I was too tired to even try this time. I grabbed my purse and walked out of the house. I walked to my car, and lost it. I laid my hands on the wheel, and my head on my hands, and began to sob. After a few minutes, I wiped my tears, and started the car. I pulled out of the driveway, and headed down the street, not knowing where I would be in a matter of hours.


Hey guys! I know it's been a long time!!! Sorry for the long wait!!!!!!

I want to thank @cierrar5 for giving me the ideas for this chapter, and for keeping the story alive!!!!!! Your ideas are appreciated! I love them! Thank you!

I hope to post more regularly during the summer, so yeah. Thanks for reading!!!

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