Chapter 5

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My date with Ali was fantastic. Seattle Reign won 3-0 against the Boston Breakers! At the picnic we just talked and then sat together wrapped in blankets and watched the city. At practice, Ashlyn always glares at me and Allie. Is she a homophobe or something? We've been having practice for two hours a day since we have a tournament coming up next week. Coach wants us to bring home the medal so she's really making us work hard. Practice just ended like five minutes ago. I'm always the last person to leave the pitch afte practice. I usually run a few extra laps around the track and then practice shooting for a bit. I'm exhausted so I guess that two laps around the track is good enough for my extra training. I head into the locker room. I guess everyone is gone already because it's absolutely silent. I take a quick shower and then begin to change into fresh clothes by my locker. Suddenly, the door opens and in comes the last person I'd like to see. Ashlyn.
I stare at her for a second and then quickly throw my shirt on. Her hair was down and she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra. No shirt...luckily I caught myself looking at her abs qucikly, she might not have noticed. She smirks and then walks over to me.
"Are you dating her?"
"Who? Allie?"
"Obviously that's who I'm talking to, now answer."
"Yeah,we're dating. Why does it matter?"
"It doesn''s just, look just stay away from her. She's trouble."
"And why should I listen to you?"
"Because I know what I'm talking about." She turns around and exits the locker room. Why is she acting so weird? I can date whoever I want, I don't need that stuck-up goalie to make that decision for me.

Note-this also hasn't been looked over. Sorry for any mistakes. Krashlyn will most likely enter the story in the next chapter

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