Chapter 14

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Ashlyn's POV
What the fuck just happened? She was fine a second ago.
I slowly walk down the muddy trail, trying to figure out what happened. Why was Ali mad at me/Whitney?
I don't feel like I should just give up on her yet. I enter the hotel, plastered in mud. I jog up the stairs, my shoes squishing water out with every step I take. I head to my room, grab some clean clothes and enter the bathroom.
Once I'm cleaned up, I head to Ali's hotel room. A I get closer to her room, the louder it gets. What's going onin there? I knock on the door, the noise suddenly stops. Ali peeks around the door, rolling he eyes when she sees me.
"Can we talk about-"
"No, i'm missing the game right now. Leave me alone."
She tries to slam the door in my face but I quickly put my foot out. "Then I'll wait for it to end."
I enter her hotel room and sit on the bed opposite of Ali's. Ugh, she's so stubborn. I grab my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through instagram as I wait for the soccer game to end. There's still fifteen minutes left not including overtime or stoppage time.
The final whistle blows, Ali smiles at the results. 7-0.
She immediately shuts the tv off and brings both her legs up on the bed, sitting criss cross applesauce. She looks at me expectantly.
"Well? What do you need?"
"Ali, what's your issue? Did I say something?"
She scoffs. "God, you're oblivious aren't you?"
"What are you talking about, tell me what the damn issue is Ali. I'll fix it."
"Why don't you ask that fucking bitch"
"Who, Whitney?"
She glares at me and then grabs her phone.
"Ali, we're having a conver-"
"Shh" She throws her phone at me.
It was Whitney's instagram. I honestly didn't even know she had an account. Her parents were very strict so there was obviously no social media in her house.
There was a pic of her from this morning. It had 219 likes. Underneath, it said: Going to win back the girl that should be mine. I'll have her falling for me by tonight...
"Couldn't you tell? She was obviously flirting with you and fucking trying to make me jealous."
"Well at least one part of her plan worked. You sure are jealous."
She flipss me off and then stands up, walking towards the door. I quickly get up and grab her arm. She tries to pull away but can't. I make her face me.
"Ali, no need to be jealous. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that she was flirting. I'm sorry she tried to get a reaction out of you. Next time, just tell me. You're my main priority right now, to make sure you're happy."
Ali sighs, but still doesn't look satisfied."Has anything ever happened between you?"

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