Chapter 13

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Whitney's POV
Who the fuck is this girl? Does she actually think she has a chance with Ashlyn. I know Ashlyn better than her, she wouldn't like a girl like that.
The three of us enter the dining hall right before the food comes out. Ali stops walking and looks at Ashlyn and I. "I'll let you two catch up and stuff. I'm gonna go sit with the other girls." Good, now leave.
"No, you don't have to do that Ali. It's nice, but not necessary. You don't mind is she stays, right Whitney?"
Ugh, why is she being nice. She never acted like that back home.
"Yeah, stick around. It'll be fun."
Ashlyn's POV
Whitney is being very...touchy today. Her chair is pulled up right next to mine and her hand is resting on my thigh while we eat. Ali is acting different too...her eyes look darker and more intense.
"So Whitney, what have you been up to?"
"Well, I've been living here since high school. I got this huge modelling job so I've been pretty busy with all of that. And my mom ha her wedding last week so I went to that. I went on a date with this girl the other night but I think I have my eye on someone else..." We make eye cotnact for a second before I look away. Before anyone has the chance to respond, Ali quickly gets off her seat, not bothering to be quiet, and glares at Whitney before leaving the room. What the fuck?
Ali's POV
Ugh, she's not straight. Now there's an even bigger chance that they're more than friends.
I head out of the hotel. Ashlyn and I found a cool little ledge to sit on th other night. As I exit the hotel, I instantly become soaked. It's pouring, I'm barely able to see what's a foot away from me. I ignore the cold rain and race towards the mountain. I hear thunder but pay no attention, I've never been afraid of storms. After climbing the muddy path for eight minutes, I get to the ledge. You can see the whole city from up here. All the lights. I bring my knees up to my knees since it's pretty cold out here. I stare out at the city, zoning out as the storm rages on, both outside and inside.
Ashlyn's POV
"Whitney, i'll be right back. I better go make sure she's okay."
"Aw, you're so sweet. Be safe, see you when you get back."
I run up the stairs to Ali's room. No one there. I check the roof, not caring that I am being drenched. Not there either. The ledge. That's where she is.
I run out of the hotel and up the path surrounded by poison ivy and old beer bottles. A clap of thunder causes me to jump about five feet in the air. Not a big fan of storms. I probably would have ran right back indoors if this was any other person. But with Ali, everything changes.
Out of breath and my hair stuck to my face, I finally spot Ali.
I sit beside her, hoping she'll talk when she's ready. She looks at me, a fierce look in her eyes. "Why are you here? Go hang out with Whitney, she'll appreciate it a hell of a lot more than I will." With that, she gets up and bolts down the path, leaving me completely confused.

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