Chapter 2

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Riley's POV
I looked past Chloe to see that masculine figure that I've missed for so long.

"James!" I exclaim as I pushed past Chloe to give him a hug. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck as I breath in his scent. "I missed you." I whisper.

"I missed you too Riles." He replies making me smile. I've missed that name. James has always been my best friend apart from Chloe of course. We've known each other for many years and I always remember all the games we played together when we were younger. One of my favorites were always when I was a posh rich lady and I always made him be my husband. Thinking about it I don't actually know how I convinced him to play all these games with me considering that he's like 3 years older than me but oh well they were some of the best years of my life.

"Now guys I know you've missed each other but we're gonna be late." I hear Chloe say behind me. I reluctantly let go of James and slowly make my way out the door.

"Need a lift?" He asks.

"If you don't mind." I reply as I hear Chloe sigh behind me but I just ignore it.

We exit their house and make our way to James' car. They both jump in the front as I jump in the back.

"So how was college?" I ask him as he pulls out of their driveway.

"It was actually really good." He tells me. "But I'm glad to be home. I've missed it a lot."

"How long can you stay for?"

"Just for the summer." He says. "About 6 or 7 weeks." Thinking about Summer I've only got one more week before I'm on summer break. This is going to be the longest week of my life...

The rest of the car ride was actually really fun apart from the few times that we nearly died because James was too busy laughing about all the things we did when we were children rather than paying any attention to the road but apart from that it was great. It definitely got my mind off the problems this morning.

"I'll see you girls later then." James says as we get out of his car when he pulls up into the parking lot.

"Yeah see ya!" I call out to him.

"Bye!" I watch as he starts the engine up again and makes his way out the parking lot again.

"Finally." I hear Chloe mumble beside me after he'd gone.

"What's up with you this morning?" I ask her. "You've been acting weird all morning."

"Oh it's nothing don't worry." She replies but I can tell that something's bothering her.

"Ok..." I sigh as we both make our way through the entrance into school...

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