Chapter 10 pt. 2

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Riley's POV
After chatting with Stephanie I tried to go and find Emily to question her about what Steph had just told me but I couldn't find her anywhere. Oh well I'll ask her about it later.

I make my way into the kitchen to grab a drink when I see Chloe talking and laughing with a boy who I've seen at school a couple of times. I have to admit that he is pretty cute. I slowly make my way over to them both.

"Hey Ri." Chlo says when I approach them both.

"Hey." I reply smiling at her.

"Um this is Hunter." She says pointing to the tall boy next to her. "He goes to our school." She turns to face him and smiles, yup I know that look she definitely likes him...

"This is Riley." She tells him indicating to me. "She's my best friend."

"Nice to meet you." He smiles holding his hand out to me.

"You too." I reply shaking his hand.

I carry on talking to them both for awhile before I make my way out of the kitchen to go and investigate the rest of the party. I'm about to go out into the garden when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Charlie with a drink in his hand. Oh boy...

"Hey Riles." He slurred. Yup he's drunk...

"It's Riley." I snapped. The only l person who can call me Riles is James...

"Wanna go have some fun Riles?" He asks ignoring what I just said.

"Nope." I reply before attempting to make a quick exit from this situation but he grabs hold of my arm and pushes me up against the wall.

"Oh so we're playing hard to get are we?" He asks pushing me up the wall even more while taking a big gulp of his drink.

"No I just don't want to be around someone like you." I say trying to sound confident when in fact I was the exact opposite. I was terrified as he started leaning in closer and closer to me.

"Now you don't really mean that do you babe?" He whispered into my neck before closing the gap between us as he began to kiss and suck on my neck. I pushed him away in an attempt to get him off of me but because I'm so weak he didn't budge.

He began working his way down from my neck and down to my chest. Ok now I'm getting scared, how far is he gonna go? I tried to get the attention of other people close to us but they were all too busy in their make out sessions or too drunk to care.

I'm about to cry out for help when I hear someone calling my name from behind but I can't see who it is. Suddenly James appears and pulls Charlie off of me before giving him one hell of a punch.

"KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" He yells at the top of his lungs attracting the attention of everyone in the room while Charlie lies on the floor holding his jaw.

"Are you ok?" James asks placing his warm hands onto my cheeks. I just nod in reply.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asks worryingly.

"No." I whisper. "I'll be ok."

"You sure?"


"Ok." He places a warm lingering kiss on my forehead before grabbing my hand and leading me into the main room where the music was with people dancing along.

"Wanna dance?" He asks.

"Ok." He pulls me into the middle of the room before gently placing his hands on my waist before guiding me round the room in time to the music. It was perfect. I smiled up at him which he gladly returned back. God I love his smile. We're interrupted by someone tapping me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Michelle standing there looking far from impressed.

"Mind if I cut in?" She asks while giving me a fake smile.

"Um sure I guess." I reply before stepping away from James. I'm about to walk away when I feel someone holding onto my arm. James.

"Are you ok now Riles?" He asks. "I can stay with you if you want me too."

"No, don't worry about me I'm fine you have fun." I lie. I am fine but I'd prefer it if he could stay...

"Ok." He shrugs before going and dancing with Michelle. I stood watching them but I just had to look away when tears began to prick my eyes. I don't know why though it's not like I like him or anything...

A/N Hey guys ok I'm soooo sorry it has taken me this long to update but I just haven't had any inspiration to write and when I got some I was too busy to write and then it would be gone when I found time so I am so sorry please forgive me. Thank you too everyone who has been voting/commenting on my story I really appreciate it and I know I don't always reply to your comments I really should so I'm sorry if I don't but hopefully I'll be able to reply to thank you all individually. I'm sorry this chapter isn't the greatest but it's the best I could come up with, I could change it if y'all hate it. Anyway I'll shut up now thanks guys love you XX

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