Chapter 10

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Riley's POV
"Riley! Chloe!" James yells from downstairs. "Hurry up!"

I sigh as I look myself up and down again one last time in Chloe's full length mirror. I'm wearing a short black strapless dress. To be honest I don't really like it, it shows a lot more skin than I'm comfortable with and I don't really like people seeing me like this as I'm quite self conscious of my body but Chloe is practically forcing me to wear this because we need to make a good impression so it looks like I'm stuck with it. I smooth out my dress before I hear Chloe behind me.

"I'll meet you downstairs ok?" She asks and I just nod in reply. "You look beautiful Ri, don't worry." She says like she's reading my mind.

"Thanks." I give her a small smile before she turns around on her heels and makes her way downstairs. I grab my bag off of her bed and take another quick look in the mirror before joining her downstairs...

James's POV
"Riley! Chloe!" I yell upstairs to the girls. "Hurry up!" Jeez these girls take forever to get dressed, we're never gonna make it to the party at this rate.

A few minutes later Chloe finally comes downstairs. "Finally!" I exclaim. "I was about to send a search party up for you guys."

"Oh shut up!" Chloe laughs.

"Rude." I say pretending to look hurt. "Now where's Riley?" I ask but my questions immediately answered when I hear footsteps coming making their way down. I turn around and see Riley coming downstairs and I have to tell you she looks amazing.

"Wow..." I sigh, taking her all in. I'm not sure what to say to be honest, this isn't the cute little Riley who's just my little sisters best friend she looks different. Good different. She looks up and meets my gaze.

"Is it that bad?" She asks biting down on her bottom lip.

"No." I scoff. "You look amazing Riles." I smile at her which she gladly returns.

"Thank you."

"No problem Ri." I glance down to look at my phone. "Come on guys we better get going." I say before we all leave the house and make our way into my car and leave for the party...

Riley's POV
About 20 minutes later we finally arrive outside what I'm guessing is Michelle's house. I've never been here before so I'm not entirely sure why we've been invited to this party but I guess it's better than staying at home and crying over my parents divorce again...

We're about to leave the car but James stops us.

"Now." He begins. "Before we go in there we need to set a few ground rules."

"Ground rules?" Chloe laughs. "Who do you think you are? My mother?"

"No, I'm just an older brother who cares for his little sister is all." He says. "So anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted we need to set some rules. I don't want either of you doing anything that you'll regret tomorrow morning and neither of you better be drinking or taking drugs, is that clear?" James says sternly.

"Yes sir!" Chloe exclaims while saluting him.

"Come on then, let's go." James says before we get out of his car and made our way into the party...

By the time we got in there the party was in full swing. Music was blasting out into every room and everywhere we looked there was a lot of people. Some were dancing to the music, some were drinking and then there were couples making out in corners of the rooms.

"So..." Chloe begins from next to me. "What we gonna do?" I'm about to reply when I hear someone calling our names from behind us. We turn around to see Michelle running towards us.

"Hey, I'm Michelle." She says to James while completely ignoring Chloe and I.

"I'm James." He replies. Michelle takes a step back just to take him all in before she smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Want a drink?"

"Sure." He replies before she leads him into the kitchen.

"So what now?" I ask before I'm interrupted by someone else calling my name.

"Riley!" It's Emily. "What are you doing here!? She snaps.

"I'm just at a party." I shrug.

"You shouldn't be here!"

"Look it's better than staying at home after what happened." I said referring back to the divorce.

"Fine." She sighs "but just be careful ok?"

"I will don't worry." I tell her before she turns and leaves to go talk to her friends.

"Well I'm gonna go get a drink." Chloe says as she begins making her way towards the kitchen.

"But James said you couldn't have one." I reminded her.

"Who cares what he thinks." She says before going into the kitchen.

I walk around the house taking in my surroundings when I spot Stephanie sitting by herself so I decide to go talk to her.

"Hey Steph." I say as I approach her. She looks up and smiles.

"Oh hey Ri." She replies. "How are you?"

"Not that great to be honest." I tell her truthfully.

"Really? Why?" She asks.

"Well my parents just told us that they're getting a divorce but I'm sure Emily's already told you that."

"Oh Ri I'm so sorry." She says while putting her arm around me and pulling me into a side hug. "And as for Emily I haven't seen her for quite a few weeks." She says.

"Wait... so Emily hasn't been coming round to yours everyday for the past month?" I ask.

"Um no she hasn't." Stephanie confirms.

"Oh..." I reply. So where has Emily been going all these weeks if she's not with Steph...?

A/N Hey guys I'm so sorry for not updating sooner I wanted to update a lot this week as I had no school and I would tell you that I was busy but that's not true I've just been a bit distracted by watching too much TV and having my own little marathons of my favorite show but anyway here's chapter ten and hopefully chapter eleven or chapter ten pt. 2 should be up in the next couple of days. I'm sorry this chapter sucked but it's one of the longest chapters that I've ever wrote so I'm kinda impressed but the content was just horrible I'm sorry anyway thank you for reading xx

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