Chapter 1 / / Earth

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Grey. It's all Annalia has seen for the last four years. The grey walls, the grey floor, the grey roof, even the grey food dishes that were given to her three times a day. The only color that wasn't grey seeped through the tiny window in the ceiling of her cell.

Annalia lay on the floor of her cell, staring up at the view of Earth and the stars she had from her room. The girl sighed, knowing that in two whole years she would finally be free. Free from this wretched place. Free to float around in space. To finally be floated, instead of having to rot in this cell. Instead of having to think, every day, about her family. Her family that stopped visiting her almost a year ago. After the second worst day of her life. The first being taken away from her family and thrown in this cell.


"Prisoner 1-1-7, you have visitors." The guard that just walked into Annalia's cell told her. Visitors? She never had visitors. She was never allowed visitation. She was stuck in solitary confinement for goodness sakes.

Annalia sat up the bed, a frown visible on her face. That frown was quickly wiped off her face when she saw her mom and sister walk in.

"You have two minutes." The guard said before stepping out. She jumped off her bed and threw her arms around her mom, then her sister. They both hugged Annalia back very tightly, but the girl could sense that something was wrong.

"Where's dad?" She asked, looking at her mom in confusion. She assumed that if they got to visit her, he would have come too. Abby gave her daughter a sad smile.

"That's what we came to talk to you about." She said sofly. Annalia looked at her, suspicious as to why they were both acting so weird.

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

"Dad was floated, Lia. And it's all Wells fault, he turned him in." Clarke blurted out.  Annalia gasped. Dead? He was dead? There was no way. Jake Griffin was not dead, not her dad. How could Wells do such a thing? She thought he was Clarke's friend.

"No, no, no. You're wrong. He can't be." Annalia cried, tears rushing down her face. Abby grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. 

"Times up." The guard said, walking in. 

"Here, he wanted you to have this." Abby said, putting something in Lia's hand. The guard grabbed Abby and Clarke by the arm, dragging them out.

"We love you!" Abby yelled, followed by the cell door slamming shut, leaving Annalia to her own horrendous thoughts. She looked down at what was in her hand. 

It was a chain, with a simple gold ring on it. Her dad's wedding ring. She put the necklace on, and let out a sigh.

"I love you guys too." She whispered.


Annalia's thoughts were interrupted by the cell door opening. Two guards walked in, one with some black metal box in his hand, the other with his electric wand out.

"Prisoner 1-1-7, please stand up and face the wall."

She did as told, not wanting to be hit with the wand. Those wands hurts. She watched as the guard set the box down, open it up, and pull out a silver bracelet looking thing.

"What is that?" She asked, eyes wide with fear. Her throat felt hoarse from not being used in almost two years.

"Quiet." The guard snapped.

He grabbed her wrist, and she winced as he snapped the wristband on, the metal needles penetrating her skin, causing a dull ache to form in her wrist. The guard with the wand grabbed Annalia's arm and started to drag her out of the cell. She quickly came to the realization that she didn't want to be floated. Annalia was only sixteen, she should have a whole life ahead of her.

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