Chapter 8 / / Grounder Meetings and Fights

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"My friends, this is an historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the 12 stations joined to form The Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground." Jaha's voice came from the screen where the camp was watching his Unity Day speech.

"Right, after we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller spoke.

"You shut up Miller, no one's forcing you to watch." Raven snapped at him, turning back to the screen.

Annalia sat inside a tent with Monty and Jasper, watching as they made moonshine. Annalia was the official 'taste tester'.

"Here, taste this." Monty instructed her, handing her a cup of clear liquid.

Annalia slowly brought the cup to her lips. This was going to be her first time drinking alcohol ever, and it was some moonshine made from a questionable source. She tilted the cup up, and winced as the liquid burned its way down her throat. Putting the cup down, she made a face, trying her best not to choke and spit out the drink. Once she swallowed the moonshine, she coughed trying to relieve the burning sensation in her throat. Jasper clapped his hand on her back, him and Monty grinning at each other.

"You good Lia?" Jasper asked. She nodded at him, frowning. 

Why would anyone want to drink that stuff, it's horrible, Annalia thought.

"Well, based on that reaction, thank you Lia, I say the moonshine is done." Monty concluded, grinning at the two.

 Annalia couldn't stop the smile on her face as Jasper grabbed the still, and got up, cheering.

"Woooooo, Monty strikes again!" Jasper cheers, exiting the tent and jogging into the middle of the camp. "I call this batch Unity Juice, who's thirsty?"

Annalia exited the tent with a full cup, Monty having filled it. She slowly walked around the camp, looking around with a smile as everyone had fun, sipping the alcohol from her cup. Everyone needed this, to let loose, stop worrying about the grounders for once and have fun. With the new alcohol, people were setting up different drinking games to get them drunk. Annalia never really understood the games, if a person wanted to get drunk, why play dumb little games when you can just drink and get it done faster?

Annalia was wandering around aimlessly, it now dark outside, when she realized her cup was empty. Sighing, she went to get a refill. She went up to Jasper, who had just brought out another batch of the alcohol.

"Need a refill, Madame?" Jasper asked in a fake accent.

Annalia giggled, holding her cup out. Jasper filled it to the top, before filling his own cup. He left the large container of alcohol on a table so anyone could access it. Jasper grabbed her hand, leading her to a fire. They sat down next to each other, backs against a log. They made small talk, mainly consisting of jokes and random questions. Annalia finished her cup, throwing it in front of her with a frown.

She turned her head to look at Jasper, who was staring at the fire, drinking his moonshine. Annalia smiled to herself, drinking in his features, memorizing his face. She brought a hand up, tracing his jaw line. Jasper froze under the contact, before glancing at her. She had a grin on her face, staring up at him.

"You're staring." Jasper stated.

"I'm gazing." Annalia replied, mocking his words from earlier.

"You said it was creepy." He pointed out.

"And you said it was romantic." She retorted. Jasper grinned at her. He leaned in close to her, their faces inches apart.

"I also think there was some kissing sometime after that." Annalia rolled her eyes at Jaspers antics.

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