Chapter 2 / / River Snakes and Spears

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"Were back bitches!"


Upon hearing the words coming from Octavia, all the teens in the drop ship took off running out into their new home. Annalia planned on being the last one out, to take her time to enjoy her newfound freedom, but Atom had other plans. He grabbed the girls hand and ran out of the dropship, slow enough that she could keep up, but fast enough that he was slightly dragging her. They ran past the celebrating teens, and Annalia couldn't help the giggle that escaped when she saw the huge grin on Atoms face. They stopped running and started to look around, taking in everything around them.

Annalia couldn't believe it. She was here, on Earth. The place she had been dreaming to visit for about six years now. She always remembered staring out the window in her cell, imagining how Earth was. But, actually being here, was so much more than she ever imagined. There was so much color and life that it was almost unreal. The trees reaching towards the sky, the tall grass waving in the breeze, the soft moss covering the rocks and tree trunks. The feeling of the dirt in her fingertips, the softness of the ground underneath her feet. The blue sky that had the occasional cloud, white and fluffy. The sun, bright in the sky. The sound of birds chirping, and the celebratory shouts of the others could be heard. Annalia couldn't remember ever being happier in her entire life.

"So, Blondie." Atom started, bringing her back to reality. She raised an eyebrow at him, while trying to hide a smile.

"It's Annalia." She told him. He smiled.

"You sure are a quiet one, aren't you?" He asked, a look of curiosity in his eyes.

He wanted to know more about the blonde that he just met. Annalia just shrugged at him. She smiled at her new friend before she remembered about her sister. She grew worried, and started looking from where she was, at all the teens running around, trying to see if she could see her. Atom saw the quick change in her mood, the smile replace with a frown, her eyebrows knit together in worry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Atom asked. She ignored him, and started speed walking across camp, trying to find Clarke.

"Hey, hold up." Atom said coming up to her. He grabbed her arm and made her spin around to look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked. She stood in spot, looking around.

"I need to find her." She said a bit breathless, now looking around frantically. 

Annalia turned and started heading towards the dropship, that being last place she had seen her sister. She could hear Atom following closely behind.

"Who?" He asked her. Annalia reached the dropship, and looked around.

"My sister." She told him quietly, looking at the curious look on his face turned into one of confusion. He didn't know anyone else had a sister besides Bellamy.

"You have a sister? Who is it?" He asked. Annalia sighed. She figured once she told him she was privileged, he would hate her.

"You are going to hate me once I tell you." She mumbled. Atom was shocked, was it really that bad?

"Why would I hate you?" He asked. He was starting to get really confused.

"Lia?" A voice in the distance called out.

Atom turned and looked at Clarke Griffin, then back at Annalia, who looked relieved. He watched as Annalia ran into the other blonde's arms, and hugged Councilwoman Abigail's daughter. That's when he realized that that was her sister. He was confused. First, as to why she thought he would hate her. Second, how they could be siblings considering Abigail Griffin was still alive.

The Other Griffin / / Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now