Chapter 4 / / Acid Fog and Heart-Felt Moments

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"His pulse is 380." Clarke sighed, setting Jaspers arm back down gently. 

Jasper let out another moan of pain, making Annalia wince. She hated seeing him in so much pain; it made her heart feel heavy.

"Someone shut that kid up!" Someone from the lower levels called out. Annalia clenched her fist and fought the urge to go shut whoever spoke up.

"Be quiet!" Another kid yelled.

"Can't he just die already?" That was the last straw. Annalia got up and walked over to the ladder.

"How about I spear you and leave you to die!" She yelled before slamming the hatch shut and plopping back down in her spot next to Jasper.

"Don't listen to them. You're going to make it through this, okay? Promise." She whispered to Jasper, brushing some of his hair out of his face and gripping his hand.

"I'm going to go get clean water. Keep an eye on him." Clarke told her sister, who nodded, not taking her eyes off Jasper.

Clarke would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about her sister. The girl won't eat, drink, or sleep in fear of not being there when Jasper wakes up.

Clarke returned a while later, with Finn in tow. She sat next to her sister and sighed in frustration.

"The grounders cauterized the wound. It saved his life." Clarke spoke to no one in particular, lost in her own world.

"They saved his life so they could string him up for live bait." Finn added, causing Annalia and Monty to glare at him. He held his hands up in mock surrender. "Garden of Eden this ain't."

"This is infected, he could be septic. Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the ark?" Clarke asked her sister and Monty, who sat staring mindlessly at Jasper. "Guys?" She asked, snapping her fingers in front of their faces.

"That would be a firm no." Monty answered, stealing a glance at Annalia. The group heard approaching footsteps and looked up to see Wells come up the ladder.

"My mother would know what to do." Clarke muttered to herself.

"How's he doing?" Wells asked, crouching down next to Clarke.

"How does it look like he's doing Wells?" Clarke snapped.

"I'm just trying to help."

"Alright, you want to help? Hold him down." Clarke instructed, making Wells hesitantly reach forward to hold Jaspers legs down. Finn and Monty gripped his arms.

"I'm not going to like this, am I?" Annalia asked, looking at her older sister. Clarke gave her a sad smile.

Annalia gripped Jasper's shoulders just as Clarke brought the hot blade to Jaspers wound. He bucked up in pain, screaming out.

"Hold him still!" Clarke ordered the four of them. "I need to cut away the infected flesh!" Annalia watched as Jasper went quiet and his eyes rolled back into his head.

"Stop it you're killing him!" Octavia yelled, running onto the room.

"She's trying to save his life." Finn countered.

"She can't." Bellamy's voice echoed in the small room.

"Back off." Wells warned him, standing up.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die." Clarke snapped at the older boy.

"The kids a goner, if you can't see that you're deluded." Bellamy spoke, although he soon realizing his words had no effect on the group before him. "He's making people crazy."

The Other Griffin / / Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now