Chapter 6 / / Hostages and Knifes

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(A.N. So on the last chapter I forgot the scene where they accidently fried all the wristbands, but I added it on the end of the last chapter so if you haven't read it I advise you to go back and read it.)

Annalia and Octavia were still giggling and talking around the fire when a shooting star flew through the sky.

"Octavia look!" Annalia gasped at the beautiful sight. As it got closer, both girls realized that it wasn't a star.

It was a pod from the ark. The two girls shot up, in search of Bellamy. The rest of the Hundred were up, gazing at the pod. Bellamy came out of his tent, shirtless, and stood between Annalia and Octavia.

"There!" Annalia pointed out to him, where the pod fell out of the sky and the parachutes were released. It landed somewhere in the horizon line.

"They're coming to help us!" Someone in the forming crowd spoke up.

"Now we can kick some grounder ass!" Another person shouted, earning a course of agreement and some laughter from the hundred.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." A girl named Roma said.

"God I hope they did." Annalia whispered to Octavia, making the brunette snort in laughter.

Annalia followed Octavia into one of the tents where Bellamy was talking to a couple of guys about the pod.

"Alright, if it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake." One of the guys said. 

Annalia really needed to learn everyone's names. She made a mental note to make sure to figure out everyones names.

"We should get moving." Octavia told her brother.

"Everyone's ready." Annalia finished for her, thinking of all the things that could be in the pod.

"No one is going anywhere." Bellamy started, earning incredulous looks from both girls. "Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light, pass the word."

All the boys left the tent to go spread the word while Octavia and Annalia both stayed behind.

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down." Octavia started.

"What if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now." Annalia finished for her.

"I said we wait until sunrise." Bellamy commanded, and then left the tent.

 Annalia and Octavia glanced at each other. Bellamy was planning something, and they both wanted to find out what it was.

They waited several minutes behind a tent near a foxhole, out of sight. They were starting to get impatient when suddenly Bellamy creeped up to the foxhole. He checked around him, making sure no one saw him, before exiting camp. They waited a minute before getting up and following him. They stayed behind him in the distance for hours, following him as he made his way down to where the pod landed. The sun had long risen before they made their presence known.

"Bellamy!" Octavia shouted, both the girls jogging to catch up to the older boy.

"What are you doing?" Annalia asked him in an accusatory tone.

"Go back to camp it isn't safe." Bellamy told them, trying to get them to leave.

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You lied to Lia. You just want whatever is in that pod." Octavia accused.

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