Chapter 11 / / Meeting New People and Eating New Food

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Annalia groaned as she felt consciousness slowly settle throughout her body. Her eyes felt glued shut, her body sore. She was lying on something soft. She opened her eyes, wincing at the bright light. She brought a hand up, covering her eyes from the light slightly, feeling something tug on her arm.

Once her eyes adjusted, she noticed she was in an all-white room. The room consisted of a bed, a small toilet and sink in one corner, a couch with some painting of a girl above it, some machines next to her bed, a door on the other side with a window, and a small camera above the door.

Annalia sat up in the bed, swinging her legs over her the side. She frowned, noticing what she was wearing. A simple white V-neck shirt and white pants that was loose at the ankles. She had no shoes on.

There was an IV connected to her arm, and she ripped it out, throwing it to the floor. She got up, wincing slightly at how cold the tiled floor was. Slowly she headed over to the door, looking out the small window.

Directly in front of her, on the other side of the hallway, was a room exactly like hers. She couldn't see anyone in that room, and looking to the sides down the hallway she could just barely see more doors leading to more rooms like hers.

"Hey, is anyone there! Let me out!" Annalia yelled, pounding on the door.

Annalia kicked, punched, and screamed, but no one came. She was a prisoner in this weird place, and she had no idea where she was. She had so many questions. Like, who were the people that took her and Monty? Was Monty okay? How long was she out for? Was everyone at camp okay? Did the grounders attack yet? Did anyone ever find Clarke, Finn, and Myles? What was Jasper doing? Did he even know she was gone?


Jasper was inside the dropship, making gunpowder. He was trying to distract himself from the anger pooling inside him. Bellamy lied and said they would go find Finn, Clarke, Monty, and Annalia in the morning, but then ordered that no one was to leave camp.

His best friend since he was in diapers went missing. His girlfriend went missing. No, they weren't missing, they were abducted. For all he knows, they could be getting tortured. And he was sitting down on his ass making gunpowder.

Jasper sighed, tossing down an empty bullet casing onto the table in front of him. He needed to go talk to Raven about rationing the gunpowder. Jasper patted his pocket, making sure the radio was in there.

Getting up, he started making his way down the ladder. He was on the last ladder rung when he noticed Murphy standing over a boy, holding a plastic bag over his face. Murphy looked up, seeing Jasper watching him, and ripped the bag off of Myles face, hiding it behind him.

"He stopped breathing, I was trying to help him." Murphy made up.

Jasper simply nodded, getting off the ladder nonchalantly. He eyed a gun on the table nearby, planning on grabbing it to defend himself. Murphy, noticing him eyeing it, lunged forward at the same time as Jasper did, managing to grab it and aim it at the shaggy haired boy.

"Murphy just put the gun down." Jasper spoke coolly, trying to prevent him from shooting. He slowly reaching a hand to his back pocket, pressing the speak button on the radio.

"He tried to kill me, okay?"

"Ok, it's cool." Jasper stuttered.

Outside the dropship, Bellamy frowned at the radio, confused on what was going on. He could definitely hear Murphy and Jaspers voice, but he didn't know what they were talking about.

The Other Griffin / / Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now