Chapter 9 / / Blood, Bombs, and Kisses

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Annalia stood at the Exodus ship crash site. It was a mess. There are large pieces of the ship everywhere. Skeletons littered the ground, along with severed body parts. There were little fires spread around, and the burnt trees knocked over. There was scrap metal lying around everywhere, and Annalia had to be careful where she stepped to make sure she didn't trip.

Annalia looked up at Clarke, who was a little ways away from her, looking around at the mess. Clarke was trying to keep a strong face, not letting the others see her broken. Annalia wished she could be like her older sister. Annalia stood by herself away from the rest of the group that came with them. She had tears streaming down her face, silently crying, and she couldn't stop. Everything in her life was a mess right now.

She and Jasper still weren't talking. In fact, Jasper was talking to a lot of other people now. Ever since the bridge with the grounders, he became suddenly popular. That means he always had someone with him, bragging about what happened at the bridge. Jasper also usually had some girl tucked under his arm as well, and it broke Annalia's heart. She understood that she told him to leave her alone, she just expected him to fight for her, and at least try and apologize. She didn't expect him to move on that quickly to other girls.

Octavia wasn't talking to her either. The brunette somehow thought that the grounder meeting gone bad was Annalia's fault. She believed that because the blonde opened fire, Lincoln got shot with an arrow, and there was no way for there to be peace between the grounders anymore. Which, Annalia didn't understand. She wasn't the one to fire first, and she fired one bullet in total, to save her sister.

Clarke was torn up about their mother's death, and to help cope with the grief, she kept busy. And keeping busy for Clarke means that Annalia can't talk to her older sister anymore, making her feel even more alone. Clarke even got into an argument with her sister about Annalia knowing how to use a gun. She said that she felt lied to that she wasn't informed that Annalia could handle a gun, and even used the words, 'I don't know if I can trust you anymore'. Which, if you ask Annalia, she'll say that she thinks that is absolute horse shit. She knew Clarke was speaking out of anger and grief, not meaning the words she spoke, but they still stung.

Raven and Monty were the only other two people that weren't mad at or not talking to Annalia. However, Monty was always with Jasper, and Annalia really didn't feel like dealing with the shaggy haired boy right now. Raven always had a new job given to her courtesy of Bellamy. As an extremely good mechanic, she was always doing stuff like building grenades, mines, improving stuff on the dropship, checking the bullets for duds. The girl was always busy, and Annalia felt guilty for dragging her away from her work to talk about something stupid like her feelings.

So she kept everything bottled up inside of her.

Annalia continued walking throughout the crash site, trying to find some sign that her mother was there. She wanted to at least be able to see the body, or something that way she could be put to peace.

"Clarke and Annalia shouldn't be out here." Finn spoke up, looking at the two blondes. First to Clarke, who was looking around, then to Annalia, who was standing in one spot, staring off into oblivion.

"Their mother was on this dropship. They're looking for answers. You want to help them? Find me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why the ship crashed." Raven told him, looking around.

Annalia snapped back into reality, looking around her. She saw a large piece of the dropship to her right. She slowly walked up to it, seeing some liquid leaking out of it. As she stuck her face closer to the ship to examine the liquid, she was hit with a disgusting smell.

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