Chapter 5 / / Mobs and Cliff Jumpers

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It had been a week since Wells body was found just outside of the camp. Single stab wound to the jugular, plus two missing fingers. All of the 100 were scrambling to get a wall up to offer some protection from the grounders. The murder may have put everyone on edge, but only two people truly grieved the death of Wells Jaha. Annalia hadn't talked much to Wells since they landed, and before that, it had been almost six years since they spoke, but she still felt down about his death. However, Clarke was distraught. She had just forgiven him, then he was brutally murdered. She sat by his grave from sun-up to sun-down. 

"Lia, you ready?" Octavia asked.

 Annalia nodded, heading out the dropship where Jasper waited, watching some of the campers work.  She walked next to him and nudged him with her shoulder.

"You ready?" She asked, smiling up at him. 

He grinned, nodding his head at her. They stood there for a second, staring at each other until they were interrupted.

"Daylights burning love birds! Come on!" Octavia shouted rather loudly, attracting some unwanted eyes.

With rosy cheeks, Annalia headed over towards Octavia with Jasper in tow. They walked to the gate, where upon arrival, Jasper got nervous. Noticing his hesitation, Annalia laced her fingers with his.

"It's alright, Jay." She said quietly, giving his hand a squeeze.

Jasper nodded his head, and took deep breath. He wanted to be brave for the blonde in front of him. Annalia and Octavia kept walking forward, Annalia leading Jasper outside the gate. She was jerked back slightly when Jasper suddenly stopped. She turned to him, to see him nervously looking around the trees, weary that a grounder was watching them.

"Jasper, it's been a week." Octavia sighed, looking at the boy who was infatuated with her best friend.

"You've been given a second chance." Annalia grinned, walking backwards away from him with her arms spread out.

She took another step back when suddenly she felt arms wrap around her and pull her behind a large moss covered rock. She screamed as a hand covered her mouth, and struggled against the hold they had on her. She could hear Octavia and Jasper yelling for her, but she couldn't escape her attackers hold. Suddenly, Octavia rounded the rock with a giant branch in her hands, raised, ready to fight. The hands holding the blonde let go, and she turned around to see some guy from camp, hands raised in surrender and a smirk on his face.

"Hey jerk! What the hell is wrong with you!" Octavia shouted, shoving him. Annalia turned to see Jasper walking away.

"Jasper, wait. Please." Annalia called after him.

He suddenly tripped and fell, causing the blonde to run to his aid. When Annalia reached him, she saw his gaze fixed on something in front of him. She followed his line of sight to see a knife, along with Wells fingers on the ground.


Approximatley ten minutes later, the three of them plus Clarke and Bellamy were all stood around a table in a tent. Clarke reached forward and picked up the knife the trio had discovered, examining it.

"This knife was made from metal from the drop ship." She stated.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked, eyes wide. 

Clarke glanced up at them briefly. Jasper had his arm around Annalia's shoulders, the blonde had her arms wrapped around him in a side hug.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked them.

The Other Griffin / / Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now