Chapter 7 / / Jobi Nuts and Hallucinations

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A couple days later, much to Clarke's objections, Annalia sat atop a table outside with Jasper and Monty. The two boys were supposed to be packaging some nuts to store for the winter, but they were both eating more than they were working. Jasper stood slightly between Annalia's legs, not having left her side since she was stabbed. Monty was also with the two of them, Jasper and him coming in a package deal, not that Annalia minded. They were both great company to be around. Annalia finished filling a pack, handing it to Monty, who tossed it in the container filled with the other rations.

Annalia watched with a sly smile as Jasper tossed a nut into the air, preparing to catch it in his mouth. However, before he did, Annalia reached forward, catching it in her hand and popping it in her mouth. Jasper gasped, fake pouting with a hand over his heart. Monty laughed at them, before eating a handful of the delicious nuts as well.

"Hey, have you guys seen Dax?" Clarke asked, walking up.

"Over there, with the meat group." Monty told her, pointing her in his direction. She walked off after telling Annalia to take it easy.

"Catch." Jasper said, throwing a nut up in the air. Annalia opened her mouth to catch it, but it bounced off her nose and fell to the floor. She looked down at it, frowning.

"Traitor." She mumbled, filling another ration pack. She handed it to Monty, who promptly opened it up and ate its contents.

"What are they gonna do with the grounder?" Jasper suddenly asked.

Annalia froze, the ration bag half-filled in her hand. Jasper noticed, placing a hand on her knee and giving it a comforting squeeze. All three looked up, seeing Bellamy exit the dropship. Annalia had been informed of the whole grounder torture situation.

"I'd rather not think about it." Monty replied, offering some nuts to Annalia. She held out her hand, and he poured the last half from a bag into her palm. She brought her hand to her mouth, eating them all at once. Annalia munched on her snack as the two talked.

"Well, it's been days since Bellamy captured him. How long till his friends come looking?" Jasper asked, his hand still on Annalia's knee.

"Cheer up. In that time, we'll all be dead from hypothermia." Monty joked.

Monty pops a nut into his mouth and gestures to throw one in Jaspers mouth. He threw it, Jasper catching perfectly.

"Hey, hey, hey." Jasper and Monty then presume to put their hands up as if to high five each other, only to give themselves high fives.

"That's how it's done, Lia." Monty pointed out to the girl who hasn't been able to catch any. She responded by throwing a nut at the side of his head.

"Bite me." She retorted. Monty's jaw dropped, and he looked at her with shock written all over his face.

"Did I hear myself correctly, or did Annalia Rose Griffin just use sarcasm in a defensive manner?" Monty asked, hand over his heart. Annalia rolled her eyes at him.

"My middle name isn't Rose, dummy." She replied, eating another handful of nuts. Monty suddenly grinned, and smacked Jasper's shoulders.

"We've taught her well." Monty told him like a proud parent.

"Annalia!" Annalia looked towards the sound of her sister's voice. Once she spotted her in front of their shared tent, Clarke waved her over.

"Go, I got this." Monty told Jasper, knowing his best friend was going to go with Annalia whether he wanted him to or not.

Jasper nodded before putting an arm around Annalia's waist, slowly and carefully helping her down from the table. He kept a tight grip on her as they made their way to Clarkes and Annalia's tent.

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