Chapter 3 / / Saving Jasper

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The only thing Annalia could hear was the sound of their group (minus one) running and their heavy breathing. Annalia, never having really had much exercise in her entire life, was struggling. She felt like she could fall down at any second, if it wasn't for Clarke's death like grip on her wrist, dragging her along. Annalia's legs were burning extremely bad, and she wanted to do nothing but sit down and cry. She could vividly remember the way the spear was thrown, with precise accuracy, right into Jaspers chest. The way he flew back, hitting the tree a couple feet behind him. The vacant look on his face, as he sat not moving, looking at the spear protruding from his chest.

Annalia was in the midst of having a panic attack while running when her foot caught in a root, sending her flying forward into the dirt. Groaning, she slowly lifted her face up, only to catch sight of something grusome. There was a deformed skull staring her right in her face. Annalia's breath caught in her throat. The skull definatley did not belong to something human.

"Lia, get up!" Octavia urged. 

Finn helped pull up the distracted and immobile girl when the group took notice of the bodies littering the floor.

"Who are they?" Monty asked, fear written all over his face.

"What are they?" Clarke said, picking up the skull and examining it.

She took note of the deformation, something caused by 97 years of radiation. It had more of a rectangular shape than normal.

"We are so screwed." Octavia said in between breaths. 

As soon as the words left the brunettes mouth, a loud scream echoed through the forest.

"Jasper, he's ali- LIA! Wait!" Finn started, but was cut off by Annalia taking off into the forest in the direction they had just come from, they others not hesitating after her.

"Lia wait, stay in the trees!" Finn called out to the girl. 

He caught up to her just in time to pull her back by the shirt to prevent her from running out into the open.

"Where is he?" Octavia asked, looking to where his body last was.

"He was right there!" Monty exclaimed. 

Clarke glanced at her younger sister, and was caught off guard by the devastated look on her face, the tears coming down her face, her quivering lip, and the shortness of her breaths.

"They took him." She let out, glancing back to where the boy had just been.


"Wells! Let him go!" Clarke shouted.

She was the first to see the mess they left behind. After her was Finn, followed by Octavia and Monty who were helping Lia down the hill. Her leg was hurting so bad she could hardly walk on it. All the running around certainly didn't help either. The cut of Octavia's face was slightly swollen, and had dried blood crusted on it. Annalia looked up to see Murphy charge at Wells, only to have Bellamy hold him back.

"Murphy, enough!" The older Blake commanded.

Octavia grunted lightly when Annalia stumbled into her slightly, catching Bellamy's attention.

"Octavia!" He ran to her side, worried. 

When he reached his sisters side, she merrily held out a hand to stop him and nodded at her friend.

"Help her, please."

Bellamy took in the look on Octavia's face. She was worried about the blonde, the only girl on the ground who understood her and didn't judge her. The girl who was her first real friend that wasn't her brother. Bellamy nodded, and took the small girl from Monty and Octavia and helped her sit down on a log.

The Other Griffin / / Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now