Chapter 2

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A/N: I am terribly sorry for taking so long to update. I am also sorry to say that another chapter probably won't be up any faster. Sorry! Writing is taking me an unholy amount of tine lately. I will try to speed things up, but just don't expect an update for at least a few days. Hopefully you enjoy this chapter anyway.

By the way: Saskatoon is a city inside of Saskatchewan, which is a Canadian province. Guelph is a city inside if Ontario, which is also a Canadian province. I just wanted to clear that up so there is no confusion.

*Olivia pov*

I sit waiting for my biological dad to pick me up from the airport. Ugh that's so weird to say, because just days ago I thought someone else was my biological dad.


"Good morning honey. Happy birthday." Dad cheers happily. I smile, returning his hug.

"Happy birthday dear." Anne says giving me an affectionate hair ruffle.

"Thanks." I tell them both, sitting down at the table. Dad sets a plate of my favorite breakfast food, scrambled eggs covered in cheese and extra crispy bacon, in front of me.

I grin thankfully at him and then dig in. Dads cooking is perfection, as always. The eggs are still very hot, and slightly burn my throat on the way down. But I'm too caught up in how amazing it tastes to care.

"Taste okay?" Dad asks, smirking at me as I shovel more food into my already full mouth. I swallow the last bit if egg in my mouth and reach for the bacon, nodding enthusiastically to answer his question at the same time.

He chuckles at me as I finish off the last of the food. I grab a napkin from the holder and use it to wipe away the little bit if bacon grease that still clung to my lips. I lean back against the chair, patting my stomach contently.

Anne shifts awkwardly in her chair, clearing her throat.

"So, have you heard from Blake?" She asks clearly trying to sound indifferent.

"Not in a few days." She nods.

The house phone rings and dad goes to answer it.



"W-What? No!"

"No! I can't jus-what?" He screams angrily and slams the phone back down. I jump at the bang, both me and Anne at staring at him in shock.

"Dad?" I ask softly. He turns to look at me with the saddest yet most angry expression I've ever seen. He just stares at me a minute, before turning and walking out the door.

"What is going on?" I ask Anne.

"I don't know dear." She says frowning slightly.


"Olivia! C'mere honey." Dad calls me. I set my phone back into my pocket and walk causally from my room.

"Yeah?" I find him sitting on the couch, looking very nervous. He is holding a large orange envelope, with some official looking seal stamped on it.

"What's up?"

"There's something I need to tell you. But first there's something I need to show you." "Okay, wheres Anne?"

"I asked her to step out for a while so I could speak to you alone." I nod, I wonder what's going on.

He opens up the envelope and slides out a glossy piece of paper.

"What is that?" He sighs.

"This.... Is your birth certificate."

He hands me the paper. Glancing over it I am automatically confused. The information is all wrong, other then saying I was born is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and the date of birth. I go over every slot, mental checking them as wrong. My eyes rest on the slot that is supposed to say my name: Olivia Marie Jacobs. In stead it says Megan Jessica Lovelace.

"Dad, why does it say my name is Megan?"

"That's the name you were born with honey." I am more confused then ever.

"Then why do you call me Olivia?"

"Because that's what I decided to call you..... When I adopted you."


Dad told me he and his wife at the time had adopted me when I was just a week old. When I was one, his wife died he moved to the United States. He wasn't planning on telling me, but he got a call from the adoption agency saying my real family was trying to contact me. He decided he couldn't keep it from me any longer.

So here I am, sitting at an airport in Guelph, waiting on my dad. Apparently, they had moved to Ontario after I was born.

I sigh nervously, not only was I about to meet my real parents, but apparently I have a brother. His name is James I guess, and he's a year older then Blake.

A silver car pulls up, and a man with sandy blonde hair gets out. He walks up to me and wraps me in a hug.

"Hi there. I know you probably have a lot of questions, but lets save those until you meet everyone." I nod.

"Okay, so um lead the way." He smiles and helps me get my bags in the car. We drive away.

"Don't worry, it's a pretty short drive."

"Okay." I drum my fingers in my pant leg and bite my lip.

"So um, you're my dad then I guess." He chuckles.

"Yeah I guess I am."

We make small talk the rest of the trip, which is only a few minutes. When we arrive at the house I gasp. It's huge! It's not a house, it's a fucking mansion! He grabs my bags and ushers me inside.

The first thing I see is a grand looking living room. It has to couches. On one of them sits a very proper looking lady, who closely resembles me. On the other one, sits two people. One of them is obviously my brother, he looks just like the guy who drove my here. But my eyes are locked on the body next to him. Could it really be...

"Alex?" All the eyes in the room instantly move form me to him. Alex doesn't seem to notice, he is staring at me with the same expression that I'm sure is on my face.

"Liv?" Yeah, it's defiantly Alex.

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now