Chapter 10.

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I'll seriously try to update it more often. Hope you are enjoying the story so far.:)

*Sam pov*

Today's the big day! Today we are finally going to make a video for the fans. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I mean I'm fine with sining to the fans, but for some reason just simply talking to them is kind of scary.

"Everybody ready?" Blake asks setting up the camera. We all nod, and he presses record.

"Hey guys. So today we are finally going to film the video we promised you." Ryan says with a smile, then points to me.

"This by the way is Samantha if you guys didn't know."

"Hi!" I exclaim waving to the camera.

"So we asked you guys what you wanted us to do, and for some reason the most suggested thing was a QnA video. Guys, when you suggested that did you think we were interesting people?" I ask the camera, Ryan shrugs.

"I guess they did."

"Well, we really aren't." I point out.

"Who cares, lets just get started!" Becky says holding up the bowl.

"To make this more interesting for you guys, we asked our friend Alex take some of your questions and cut them up and put them in a bowl for us." Ryan explains.

"Yeah. So we've not seen these before. We told Alex to pick some of the most asked and most interesting questions. I think that's all we need to explain."

"Okay I'll pull the first one" Blake says reaching his hand into the bowl. He pulls out a slip of paper and unfolds it.

"How did we meet?"

"All of us?" Becky asks, Blake shrugs.

"I guess."

"Well Ryan is my brother, so I met him when he was born. And yes, Ryan is younger than me, everyone thinks I'm younger, but nope." I say.

"I transferred to the high school that Sam an Ryan went to, and me and Sam got partnered up for a speech project. She introduced me to Ryan." Becky explains.

"Well, my story is extremely long, but to shorten it up: A mutual friend named Alex introduced me to Sam and Ryan. That's the gist of it." Blake explains

"Next question." I say reaching my hand into the bowl.

"Blake, what's with the ring? Are you engaged?"

Blake blushes slightly and Ryan grins.

"Yes, yes he is." Says Ryan kissing him. I roll my eyes.

"For the people who are still going to ask, yes they are engaged."

Ryan picks the next question.

"Sam, do you have a boyfriend? I guess a lot of people wanted to know."

"Nope." I say with a shrug.

"And I'm not looking for one either."

"Why was the tour canceled?" Becky asks the next question.

"That was my fault, I had to get surgery on my vocal chords. I'm fine now, but I wasn't able to preform at all. So I'm really sorry about that guys."

Ryan pats me on the back.

"It wasn't your fault." He comforts.

"How old are you guys?" Blake reads off the next piece of paper.

"24." Blake and I answer pretty much at the same time.

"21." Says Ryan.

"23, but ill be 24 in like a month." Beck explains.

"So Ryan is the baby." I smile, pinching his cheek. He pouts and brushes my hand away.

"Which members of the band are the best and worst to work with?" I read off the paper, with a slight frown.

"Well I mean it depends on what kind of work your doing." Becky says with a shrug, I nod.

"Yeah. For example, the person I most like to write songs with is Blake. But I look to different band members for different things."

"What song is your favorite of all the ones on your album?"

"Probably Heart attack." Says Ryan.

"I personally love in case, because I wrote it by myself in like 20 minutes on a crappy little keyboard." Blake says with a smiles, I nod.

"That is a beautiful song, mine is probably either heart attack, or two price, because I wrote it about my best friend."

"Heart attack." Becky says, then pulls another question.

"Who writes the songs, and are they inspired by real life events?"

"Well, Sam and I do most of the writing, but everyone contributes." Blake explains.

"Most of the songs are inspired by real people or events, but some of them just kinda come to us."

"Okay, next question is do we have any pets?"

"I have a cat named Oliver, I couldn't bring him on tour so he's not with me write now, but my friend is taking care of him."

"I miss Oliver." Ryan mumbles sadly.

"We all do, hopefully we'll get to see him soon."

"I have a guinea pig named hell boy, but he's back in the uk living with my dad." Says Becky.

"Speaking of the uk, next question is Becky why do you sound so British?" Asks Ryan, who looks like he's trying not to laugh.

"Uh, because I'm British?" Becky says, then turns to us.

"Is it that obvious? Because whenever I talk on the phone to friends of family in the uk, they always talk about how American I sound."

"Hmm, well you've probably picked up on the American accent from living here so long. But you still sound extremely British. " Blake explains, Becky shrugs.

"Do you guys have any tattoos?"

"I have about 15." Says Blake with a shrug.

"I have four. All of which were done by my friend Alex." I say.

"I have around 12 I think, I stopped counting at ten." Says Becky.

"I have none, I don't like tattoos." Ryan shrugs. Blake turns to him.

"Since when do you not like tattoos?" He asks.

"Well I don't like them on myself. I had one done when I was like 15, but I hated it,so I got it removed." I chuckle , remembering that day.

"Dad was so pissed at you."

"Oh god I remember that." Ryan says blushing slightly.

"I never heard that story." Blake says with his eyebrow raised.

"I didn't tell you about that?"


Out of the corner of my eye, I see Olivia come into the room. She wavs slightly out of the cameras sight, trying to get someone's attention.

Ryan glances over and sees her, then raises his eyebrow questioningly. She nods, and motions for him to follow her. He nods

"Well I think that's a good stopping point. Thanks to everyone who sent in questions. We can do more videos like this in the future if you guys want. Bye guys!" Says Ryan enthusiastically.

The rest of us say good bye, and Ryan shuts off the camera. He then gets up off the couch, and follows Olivia into the other room.

"What's going on with them?"asks Becky.

"I don't know, I guess they're just hanging out. I gunna upload the video." Blake says with a shrug picking up the camera.

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now