Chapter 11

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A/N: I'm sorry it always takes me so long to update this story. Ill try be faster I promise!

Also sorry this chapter isn't that long. I was planning on making it longer, but I got lazy. Next chapter I will actually put some effort into..


*James pov*

"Thanks for breakfast, it's was a amazing!" I compliment Alex's mom on her cooking.

"Oh it's nothing honey." She says with a smile.

"I can see where Alex gets it."

"Speaking of Alex, if he doesn't wake up soon his pancakes will be cold." She says, frowning slightly.

"Ill wake him up." I offer, getting up from the table, as his mother says thanks.

We all arrived here in Illinois last night. We came here for some thing called the sweet corn festival. Non of us have ever been, except Sam Ryan and Alex, but they promise it would be fun.

I enter Alex's bedroom, and find him still fast asleep. I smile, he's so cute when he sleeps. I jump on top of him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Wake up honey!" I call happily,

"Go away." He mumbles, I roll my eyes.

"Your pancakes are getting cold." I tell him, he opens his eyes and looks up at me, looking rather annoyed....

Can't imagine why.

"Why do you always do this to me?" He asks, I smile.

"Because the sooner you wake up in the morning, the sooner I can do this." I lean towards him, planning on kissing his lips, but I change my mind and plant a soft kiss on the tip of his cute little nose instead. I pull away and he pouts.

"That's all I get?" He ask, I grin getting off the bed.

"If you want more you gotta get out bed." I call over my shoulder.

I walk backdown stairs and into the kitchen, where Alex's mom is finishing her plate of pancakes. When she see's me coming, and raises her eyebrows.

"Is he awake?" I nod.

"He should be down any minute." I say with a smile .

A few minutes later Alex enters the kitchen, still in is pajamas. He yawns, taking a seat at the table, while his mom pushes a full plate of pancakes at him. He smiles.

"Thanks mom." He says digging in.

She nods and exits the room. I turn to Alex, and smile.

"So anything fun planned for today?" He shrugs.

"Not really, the festival isn't until tomorrow. So today I think we're just gunna chill." I nod.

"Well I was thinking, that maybe we should start talking about-" I'm interrupted by the ringing doorbell.

"Can one of you boys get that, I'm about to get in the shower!" Alex's mom calls from the bathroom.

Alex starts getting out of his chair, but I push him back down.

"I can get it, you finish eating." I tell him as he rolls his eyes.

"Coming!" I call on my way to the still ringing door.

I open it up and find a person I don't know staring back at me.

"Who are you?" She asks, looking me up and down.

"My name is James, uh if you're looking for Alex he's inside eating."

"How do you know Alex?" She asks, eyes narrowing slightly.

"He's my boyfriend." I say with a shrug.

She glares at me for a split second then composes her face. I blink, what's this girls problem?

She pushes past me into the house. I turn and follow after her, mentally grumbling about how rude she was being.

"Alex!" She calls happily as they hug.

"Hey Sarah, nice to see you. It's been a while." He chuckles, turning to me.

"Jay this is an old friend of mine. Her names Sarah. Sarah this is James, my boyfriend." I notice her eyes narrow a bit at the word boyfriend, but Alex doesn't seem to notice.

I hold out my hand to Sarah but he ignores it.

"Nice to meet you." She mumbles flatly, turning her attention back to Alex.

"I need a favor from you." She tells him.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Well, we new volunteers to help set up the rest of the booths at the festival. You don't mind do you?" She asks, in an innocent tone that makes me want to vomit.

"Sure, I don't mind at all. What time should we head down there?"

"Whenever your dressed." She tells him, pushing him towards the stairs. He rolls his eyes but heads up to his bedroom.

We sit in an awkward silence, until he comes back down. I can't help but smile, as he wraps his arms around my neck, kissing me softly.

"See you soon honey." I tell him.

"We can talk when I get back." He promises as Sarah pulls him off of me.

"Yeah, yeah lets go!"

Alex smiles apologetically as the door closes.

I sigh.

What am I supposed to do all day?


By the time Alex go home, it's was 10:30. I was hoping to spend time with him, but he just wanted to go to bed.

I practically had to carry him up the stairs, once we got to his room he literally fell onto his bed.

I climb I to bed with him, and snuggle up to him. He smiles, eyelids closing as he lays his head on my chest.

"I missed you today." He mumbles, I smile brushing a few stray hairs from out of his eyes.

"I missed you too babe."

"What did you wanna talk about?" He asks.

"I was just thinking that maybe it's about time w-." My words trail off as I hear a light snoring.

I smile at Alex, who is now fast asleep. I kiss him gently on the forehead.

"Goodnight honey." I whisper.

I guess we'll just have to talk tomorrow.

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now