Chapter 3.

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A/N: I am sorry it took so long, but here it is. Enjoy.

*Alex pov*

Holy shit! 

Olivia is honestly the last person I expected to see. At first I wasnt sure it was her, I've only seen her a few times on Skype.  She glanced around the room, taking in her surrondings I guess. She looks very similar to James's mom, now I feel stupid for not seeing it before. Her eyes eventually rest on me, she looks shocked and confused at the same Time. 

"Alex?' James twists to look at me with wide eyes, but I'm ignoring him.

"Liv?"   We stare at each other in silence for a few mintues,  and I finally get over the shock.  I jump up off the couch and rush over to her.

"Liv it's great to finally meet you!"  She smiles and wraps her arms around me gently.

"You too! Wait till Blake finds out!"  I chuckle picturing the look on his face when he does.  James clears his throat and walks over to us.

"So wait you're James, as in Alex's James?"  She asks him. He chuckles a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah I guess I am. How do you two know each other?" I blink. Oh yeah, I guess we owe them an explanation.

"James this is Oliva."   He thinks for a minute then seems to understand.

"As in Blake's sister?" Olivia laughs.

"Step-sister technically. Although I guess could say your sister now too." 

Jay's mom clears her throat.

"Could we have a few minutes alone with Megan please? There are some things we need to talk about." I nod and pull James gently out of the room. 

*James pov*

I am barely aware of Alex pullling me to my bedroom. He opens the door and gently pushes  me inside. I slowly make my way over to the bed.

"You okay honey?" I nod slowly.

"You sure."  He lays next to me, snuggling me gently, probably trying to make me feel better.

"I'm alright. I'm just shocked, and a little sad."

"Why are you sad?"

"I know know, I just feel like my jobs been taken from me."

"What job?"  I sigh and roll over to face him properly.

"Beofre Megan was born, my parents would tell me that is was my job to look out for her, because I was her big brother. I used to picture my self teaching her how to ride a bike, or make PJ&J's, you know stupid crap like that. I didnt get to do any of that stuff with her. Not only was I not there for her, but I was replaced by someone else. To her Blake is her big brother, and I'm some dude she just met. How am I ever going to keep my promise to her?"  Tears blur my eyes and my heart twists painfully. I didnt realise how hurt I was over all of this until now.  Alex hugs me soothingly.

"What promise?"

"A few days before she was born, I promised Megan she would never have to worry, becasue her brother would take of her."

"You did keep your promise." Alex whispers smiling.

"What are you talking about?"

"Her brother did take of her.  Like you said, Blake is her brother. I promise you , he would never let anything happen to her."

"But I wanted-"

"I know you wanted to be the one to be there for her honey, but  there is nothing you could've done. The only thing you can do is be there for her now."  His words make me feel better then I thought possible.  

"Thanks Alex. You always make me feel better."  He smiles and kisses me softly.

We lay curlled up together and decide to watch some TV. We pick a random station and make ourselves comfy on my giant bed.

Eventually there is a hesitent nock at the door.

"Yeah?" The door opens and I see Megan standing there. She looks awkward and hesitent, I feel bad for her. I put on the most welcoming smile I can.

"Whats up?"

"Uh your mom says it's time for dinner." I frown slightly.

"My mom? You mean our mom?"


I twist in bed, and notice Alex isnt moving. I shake him gently, and find he's alseep.  I wake him up and tell him its dinner time.


I wake up to a loud crash of thunder. I sigh and reposition myself in the bed. Theres something about thunderstoms that I find very relaxing.  Just as my eyelids start to close, I hear a loud cry. 

I know right away it has to be Megan. Nobody else in the house sounds like that. I hear here cry out again and stumble out of my room. I find her in the guest room down the hall from my room.

I stand in the doorway, feeling a bit awkward watching her.  She is curled up in a tight ball, crying, clutching the sheets under her. Everytime there is a loud clap of thunder, she lets out a terrified yelp . I frown slighty, not sure what to do. What can I do to make her feel better? Alex would know what to do. but he's asleep. What would Alex do? 

I think about it a minute, and realise Alex would cuddle and hug her all night if he had to. I smile slightly to myself. 

I walk over to the bed, but hesitate. 

How many times has Megan been a shaking mess like this, and Blakes been the one to help her. I shake my head, shaking the thought out of my mind.

It doesnt matter. You are here now.

I sit next to her on the bed, and pull her into my lap. She burries her face in my chest, and I hug her gently.

"Are you scared of thunder?"  I ask softly. 

She nods. There is another loud crash outside and my arms tighen around her protectivley. Megan doesnt seem to care.  She snuggles next to me, and relaxes slightly.  

I lean my head down and whisper in her ear.

"Don't worry squirt.  I'm right here, and I always will be."  

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm wondering where the fuck "Squirt" came from, but for the most part, all I can think of is how I finally get a chance to keep my promise.

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now