Chapter 8

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A/N: Lots of updates coming on lots of stories! I promise!

*James pov*

I pace around the room, sighing deeply. Alex has been gone five days, and he still hasn't called. I don't know if I should call him, or if I should wait for him to call me. 

 I should probably just give him space, and let him come to me when he's ready. But dammit it I miss him!

"I take it Alex still hasn't called." I turn to see my mom stading in the doorway, with an apoligetic smile on her lips. I jump upon seeing her, I wasnt expecting her to get back so fast.

"Mom! When did you get back?" 

"Megan called me and told what happened with Alex,  so I got an early flight home. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Mom I'm 25, I can take care of myself." I point out, sounding a little grumpy.

"I know you can sweetie. But I'm your mom, and worrying about you is my job."  She walks over and wraps me in a hug. I chuckle, bending down slightly to hug her back, I'm considerably taller then her. .

"Yeah mom I'm fine."  She gently holds my face, and looks me in the eyes.

"You sure dear?"  I nod.

"I'm fine. I'm just worried."

"About what?" I just shrug, not wanting to answer. Luckily she seems to read the answer off my face.

"James, you're not thinking Alex would break up with you, right?" I bite my lip.

"I don't know what he's planning to do."

"Honey Alex loves you! I'm sure he wouldn't just leave you after two years."  She comforts.

"Why don't you call him, I'm sure he misses you too."  Just as I'm about to protest, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out, and look at the screen seeing it's Alex calling me. Instatly my heart floods with relief.

"Is that Alex?" Mom asks smiling, I nod grinning and press the green button. Mom leaves the room to give me privacy.


"Hey James." I frown at his tone, he sounds distressed.

"Alex are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lies.

"I know you're lying Alex." I point out

"'I'm fine really, I just dont like being here in the hospital. It reminds me of when you... you know." He mumbles, my eyes widen slighlty.

"You're in the hospital?"

"Jay relax I'm fine."

"Why are you in the hospital?" I demand

"Sam had to get surgery on her vocal chords." He explains calmy.

"Oh, is she okay?"

"Yeah she's fine, don't worry."

"So, when are you coming back?" 


*Blake pov*

Woah! The fan response was amazing! We got thousands of replies with requests for stuff to do. So now we have the task of choosing what to do, which is proving to me more difficult then we planned.

"A lot of fans want to see a QnA video." Becky points out.

"Yeah, but that's boring. I'm sure they'd rather see something more fun!"

"A lot of people want us to do a 'day in the life of' video."

"More people want us to do 'draw my life' videos."

"Draw my life is more of an individual thing, not something to do as a band."

"Well what are we going to do then?"

"Hey will you guys shut up? Sam is resting." Alex says.

"Yeah sorry, how is she doing?" Ryan asks.

"She alright, just really  tired. The doctor said that normal." Alex responds shrugging.

"Have you guys decided what to do yet?" He asks, we all groan.

"No, we can't pick."

"What did the fans suggest?"  He asks. I scroll down the page reading a few suggestions.

" QnA, QnA, Cinnamon challenge, draw my lie, QnA, play songs for us, draw my life."

"Why not just do a QnA?" Alex asks.

"Thats so boring though! Everybody does those." Ry complains.

"I'm sure you can find a way to make it less boring." Alex encourages.

"How?" Alex thinka for a mintue.

"I have an idea.


*James pov*

I cant keep the grin off my face as a carry my bags out to the car. In a few hours, I'll have Alex back in my arms. The thought makes my heart fill with joy.

"First Alex now you, where's everybody going?" I hear Megan ask behind me, I chuckle.

"Going to see Alex." I explain.

"Oh, where is he anyway?" A thought pops into my head.

"You wanna find out?"

"What?"  I smile excidedly.

"Come with me." Megan rolls her eyes.

"Maybe if you tell me where the hell we're going." I smirk.

"Blake will be there."

Thetas the fastest I've ever seen anybody pack a suitcase in my life.

Tears and Rain. (The Only Exception part three.)Where stories live. Discover now